Fire extinguishers are active fire protection devices used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. This is not meant to be used on uncontrolled fire, as it has reached the ceiling, endangering the user (ie, no escape, smoke, explosion hazards, etc.), or otherwise requires expertise from firefighters. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a cylindrical pressure vessel containing a disposable agent to extinguish the flame. Fire extinguishers manufactured with non-cylinder pressure vessels also exist, but are less common.
In the United States, fire extinguishers in all non-residential premises generally have to be serviced and checked by firms at least every year. Some jurisdictions require more frequent services for fire extinguishers. The place provider tags the fire extinguishers to indicate the type of service performed (annual inspection, replenishment, new fire extinguisher).
There are two main types of fire extinguishers: pressure-stored and operated with cartridges. In stored pressure units, the expellant is stored in the same space as the fire extinguisher itself. Depending on the agent used, different propellants are used. With a dry chemical extinguisher, nitrogen is usually used; water and foam exertion usually use air. Stored fire extinguisher is the most common type. The cartridge-operated extinguishing apparatus contains a gas expellant in a separate cartridge that is perforated before disposal, showing propellant to the extinguishing agent. This type is not common, is used mainly in areas such as industrial facilities, where they receive higher than average usage. They have the advantage of a simple and fast replenishment, allowing the operator to remove the extinguishers, recharge, and return to the fire in a reasonable amount of time. Unlike the type of stored pressure, this extinguishers use compressed carbon dioxide instead of nitrogen, although nitrogen cartridges are used on low temperature models (-60). Cartridge-operated cartridges are available in dry and dry chemical powders in the US and in water, wetting agents, foams, dry chemicals (class ABC and B.C.), and dry powder (class D) worldwide.
Fire extinguishers are subdivided into hand-held devices and mounted on trains (also called wheeled extinguishers). A hand-held extinguisher weighs from 0.5 to 14 kilograms (1.1 to 30.9 pounds), and is therefore handy. Cart-mounted units typically weigh more than 23 kilograms (51 pounds). Wheeled models are most commonly found in construction sites, airport runways, heliports, as well as docks and marinas.
Video Fire extinguisher
The first firefighting tube on record was patented in England in 1723 by Ambrose Godfrey, a famous chemist at the time. It consists of a vat of fire-extinguishing fluid containing tin chambers from gunpowder. It is connected to a fuse system that is turned on, blowing gunpowder and spreading the solution. This device may be used to some extent, such as Bradley's Weekly Messenger for 7 November 1729, referring to the efficiency in halting fires in London.
The modern fire extinguisher was invented by British Captain George William Manby in 1818; this consists of a 3 gallon (13.6 liters) copper vessel of pearl ash solution (potassium carbonate) contained in compressed air.
The soda-acid tube was first patented in 1866 by Francois Carlier of France, which mixed aqueous solution and sodium bicarbonate with tartaric acid, producing CO 2 gas propellant. The soda-acid tube was patented in the US in 1881 by Almon M. Granger. The extinguisher uses a reaction between sodium bicarbonate and sulfuric acid to repel the pressurized water to the fire. A concentrated sulfuric acid bottle is suspended in a cylinder. Depending on the type of extinguishers, the acid bottle can be broken down in one of two ways. One used a plunger to break the acid bottle, while the second removed the lead tin holding the bottle closed. After the acid is mixed with a bicarbonate solution, the carbon dioxide gas is removed and thus suppresses the water. Pressurized water is forced from the tube through a nozzle or short hose.
The cartridge-operated extinguisher is created by Read & amp; Campbell of England in 1881, who used water or water-based solutions. They then found a model of carbon tetrachloride called "Petrolex" which is marketed for automotive use.
A chemical foam extinguisher was invented in 1904 by Aleksandr Loran in Russia, based on previous findings about fire foam. The first loran used it to extinguish the burning naphtha pan. It works and looks similar to the soda-acid type, but the inside is slightly different. The main tank contains a solution of sodium bicarbonate in water, while the inner container (somewhat larger than the equivalent in the soda-acid unit) contains an aluminum sulphate solution. When the solution is mixed, usually by turning the unit, the two liquids react to create a foaming foam, and carbon dioxide gas. Gas emits foam in the form of a jet. Although root-root extracts and similar compounds are used as additives (stabilizing foams by strengthening bubble walls), there are no "foam compounds" in these units. Foam is a combination of chemical reaction products: sodium and aluminum salt-gels are pumped by carbon dioxide. Due to this, the foam is discharged directly from the unit, without the need for branching aspiration (as in newer types of mechanical foams). Special versions are made for crude service, and vehicle installation, known as fire extinguishers. The main feature is a screw stop that holds the liquid so that it does not mix until opened manually, carrying the rope, longer hose, and dead nozzle. Fire-fighting types are often the private label versions of the major brands, sold by appliance manufacturers to match their vehicles. Examples are Pirsch, Ward LaFrance, Mack, Seagrave, etc. These are some of the most heavily extinguished extinguishers as they wade into the restoration area of ​​equipment and firefighters.
In 1910, the Delaware Pyrene Manufacturing Company filed a patent for using carbon tetrachloride (CTC, or CCl 4 ) to extinguish the flame. The liquid evaporates and extinguishes the flame by inhibiting the chemical chain reaction of the combustion process (it is early 20th century presupposition that the ability of fire suppression of carbon tetrachloride depends on oxygen removal). In 1911, they patented a small portable scanner that used chemicals. It consists of a brass or chrome container with an integrated handpump, which is used to remove the liquid jets towards the fire. It is usually from 1 liter of imperial (1.1Ã, l) or 1 liter imperial (0.57 l l) capacity but is also available in up to 2 gallons imperial (9.1Ã, l) size. Since the container is not pressurized, it can be recharged after use through a charging plug with a fresh CTC supply.
Another type of carbon tetrachloride extinguisher is a fire grenade . It consists of a glass sphere filled with CTC, which is meant to be thrown to the bottom of the flame (the initial saltwater is used, but CTC is more effective). Carbon tetrachloride suitable for both liquid and electric fires and extinguishers for motor vehicles. The carbon tetrachloride extinguisher was withdrawn in the 1950s because of chemical toxicity - high concentration exposure damages the nervous system and internal organs. In addition, when used on fire, heat can convert CTC into phosgene gas, previously used as a chemical weapon.
In the 1940s, Germany discovered liquid chlorobromomethane (CBM) for use in aircraft. It was more effective and slightly less toxic than carbon tetrachloride and was used until 1969. Methyl bromide was found as an extinguishing agent in 1920 and is widely used in Europe. It is a low pressure gas that works by inhibiting the chain reaction of fire and is the most toxic of evaporating liquids used until the 1960s. The vapor and combustion products of all evaporation liquids are highly toxic, and can cause death in confined spaces.
The carbon dioxide extinguisher (CO 2 ) was discovered (at least in the US) by Walter Kidde Company in 1924 in response to Bell Telephone's request for an electrically non-conductive chemical to quench a previously difficult-to-extinguish fire in switchboards telephone. It consists of a high metal cylinder containing 7.5 pounds (3.4 kg) of CO 2 with a wheel and brass valve, a closed cotton hose, with a funnel like a composite funnel as a nozzle. CO 2 is still popular today because it is an ozone-friendly cleaning agent and is heavily used in film and television production to extinguish the burning stuntmen. Carbon dioxide extinguishes fire primarily by transferring oxygen. Never thought that it worked with cooling, although this effect in most fires can be ignored. This characteristic is very well known and has caused widespread misuse of carbon dioxide extinguishers for cold drinks, especially beer.
In 1928, DuGas (later purchased by ANSUL) came out with a dry cartridge-operated chemical extinguish tube, which uses sodium bicarbonate which is specially treated with chemicals to make it free-flowing and moisturized. It consists of a copper cylinder with an internal CO 2 cartridge. The operator turns the wheel valve on top to puncture the cartridge and presses the lever on the valve at the end of the hose to remove the chemicals. This was the first agent available for three-dimensional gas and large-scale gas fire gas, and most remained a special type until the 1950s, when small dry chemical units were marketed for home use. ABC dry chemistry originated in Europe in the 1950s, with Super-K invented in the early 60s and Purple-K developed by the US Navy in the late 1960s. Manually applied dry agents such as graphite for class D fires (metals) have existed since World War II, but only in 1949 Ansul introduced a pressurized extinguisher using an external CO2 tube to release the substance. Met-L-X (sodium chloride) is the first extinguisher developed in the US, with graphite, copper, and several other types developed later.
In the 1970s, Halon 1211 came to the United States from Europe, where it has been in use since the late 40s or early 50s. Halon 1301 was developed by DuPont and the US Army in 1954. Both 1211 and 1301 work by inhibiting the chain reaction of fire, and in the case of Halon 1211, class A fuel cooling as well. Halon is still used today, but it is no longer used for many uses because of its environmental impact. Europe and Australia have severely restricted their use, since the Montreal Protocol of 1987. Less restrictive restrictions have been applied in the United States, the Middle East, and Asia.
Maps Fire extinguisher
Internationally there are several accepted classification methods for hand-held firefighters. Each classification is useful in combating fires with specific fuel groups.
Australia and New Zealand
Specifications for fire extinguishers are set in the standard AS/NZS 1841, the latest version released in 2007. All fire extinguishers must be painted in red signals. Except for a water extinguisher, each extinguisher has a colored band near the top, which includes at least 10% of the extinguishing body's length, determining its contents.
In Australia, a yellow firefighter (Halon) is illegal to own or use on fire, unless essential release of use has been given, this is due to the ozone-depleting nature of ozone.
United Kingdom
According to BS EN 3 standard, fire extinguishers in the United Kingdom because all of Europe is red RAL 3000, and a band or a second color circle covering between 5-10% of the surface area of ​​the extinguishers indicates the contents. Prior to 1997, the entire body of the fire department was color-coded according to the type of extinguishers.
Britain recognizes six classes of fire:
- Class A Fire involves organic solids such as paper and wood.
- Class B Fire involves flammable or combustible liquids, including gasoline, grease, and oil.
- Class C Fire involves flammable gases.
- Class D Fire involves a combustible metal.
- Class E Fire involves electrical equipment/equipment.
- Class F Fire involves cooking fats and oils.
Class E has been discontinued, but includes fires involving electrical equipment. It is no longer used on the basis that, when the power supply is turned off, an electric fire may fall into one of the five remaining categories.
In the UK the use of Halon gas is now prohibited except in certain situations such as in airplanes and in the military and police.
Performance of fire-fighting per fire class is displayed using numbers and letters such as 13A, 55B.
EN3 does not recognize a separate power class - but there are additional features that require special testing (dielectric 35 kV per EN 3-7: 2004). The powder or CO 2 extinguisher will bear the electric pictogram as a standard marker that can be used in direct electric fires (given the symbol E in the table). If a water-based extinguisher has passed the 35 kV test it will also bear the same electric pictogramme - however, water-based extinguishers are only recommended for unintentional use in electric fires.
United States
There are no official standards in the United States for the color of fire extinguishers, although they are usually red, except for class D extinguishers which are usually yellow, water and wet Class K solvents normally silver, and normally white water mist suites. A fire extinguisher is marked with a pictogram depicting the types of fires that fire-fighters have agreed to fight. In the past, extinguishers were marked with colored geometric symbols, and some firefighters still use both symbols. Additional types of fires and standards are described in NFPA 10: Standards for Portable Firefighter, 2013 edition.
Fire-fighting capacity is rated in accordance with ANSI/UL 711: Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers. Ranking is explained using numbers that precede class letters, such as 1-A: 10-B: C. The number before A is multiplied by 1.25 gives equivalent blackout capability in a gallon of water. The number that precedes B shows the size of the fire in square feet that normal users should be able to extinguish. There is no additional rating for class C, as it only indicates that the fire extinguisher will not conduct electricity, and the extinguisher will never have a rating of only C.
- For additional US UL rating information, see Quick Flot Tools
Fire extinguishers are usually installed in buildings in accessible locations, such as walls in high traffic areas. They are also often installed for motor vehicles, boats, and airplanes - this is required by law in many jurisdictions, for the class of vehicles identified. Under the NFPA 10 all commercial vehicles must carry at least one fire extinguisher, with UL size/rating depending on the type of vehicle and cargo (ie, fuel tankers usually have to be  £ 20 (9.1 kg), while most others can carry 5 lb (2.3 kg)). The revised NFPA 10 creates the criteria for placement of "rapid flow-offs" in locations such as those storing and transporting combustible liquids of pressurized and combustible gas or areas with possible class three-dimensional hazards required to have " rapid flow extinguishers "as required by NFPA Various classes of competition vehicles require a fire extinguisher system, the simplest requirement that is a handheld portable port 1A: 10BC mounted on the inside of the vehicle.
The height limit for installation, as determined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), is 60 in (1.5 m) for fire extinguishers weighing less than 40 pounds (18 kg). However, compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also needs to be followed in the United States. The ADA height limit of the fire extinguisher, measured on the handle, is 48 in (1.2 m). Installation of fire extinguishers is also limited to protrude no more than 4 inches to adjacent travel paths. The ADA rules state that any object adjacent to a travel path can not project more than 4 in (10 cm) if the lower edge of the object is higher than 27 in (0.69 m). The 4-inch protuberance rules are designed to protect people with low vision and those who are blind. The height limit rules of 48 in mainly related to access by people with wheelchair, but also related to other defects as well. Prior to 2012, the height limit was 54 at (1.4 m) for side access with accessible wheelchair access. Installations made before 2012 at a height of 54 inches need not be changed.
Type of extinguishing agent
Dry chemistry
It is a powder-based agent that extinguishes by separating the four parts of the fire tetrahedron. It prevents chemical reactions that involve heat, fuel, and oxygen (burning), thereby extinguishing the fire. During combustion, the fuel decomposes into free radicals, which are highly reactive molecular fragments that react with oxygen. Substances in dry chemical extinguishers may stop this process.
- Monoammonium phosphate, also known as tri-class , versatile , or ABC dry chemistry, is used in class A, B , and C fires. It received grade A ratings from the agent's ability to melt and flow at 177Ã, Â ° C (351Ã, Â ° F) to extinguish the fire. More corrosive than other dry chemical agents. Pale yellow in color. The usual sodium bicarbonate, ordinary or used in class B and C fires, is the first of the dried chemicals developed. In the heat of fire, it releases a cloud of carbon dioxide that burns fire. That is, gas expels oxygen from the fire, thus stopping the chemical reaction. These agents are generally ineffective in Class A fires because their agents are discharged and the gas clouds disappear quickly, and if the fuel is still hot enough, the fire will fire again. While liquid and gas fires typically do not store much heat in their fuel sources, fires are occurring. Sodium bicarbonate is very common in commercial kitchens before the appearance of wet chemical agents, but is now no longer favored, as it is far less effective than wet chemical agents for class K fires, less effective than Purple-K for Class B fires, and is not effective in Class A fires White or blue.
- Potassium bicarbonate (the main Purple-K constituent), used in class B and C fires. Approximately twice as effective in Class B fires as sodium bicarbonate, it is the preferred dry chemical agent of the oil and gas industry. The only certified dry chemical agent to be used in ARFF by NFPA. Purple colored to distinguish it.
- Potassium bicarbonate & amp; Urea Complex (AKA Monnex), used in class B and C fires. More effective than all other powders due to its ability to fade (where the powder breaks into smaller particles) in the fire zone creates a larger surface area for inhibition of free radicals. Gray in color.
- Potassium chloride, or Super-K, is a dry chemical developed in an effort to create efficient dry chemicals, high-quality foam proteins. Developed in the 60s, before Purple-K, it has never been as popular as other agents since, being salt, it's quite corrosive. For fires B and C, white. Compatible foam, which is a dry chemical of sodium bicarbonate (BC), was developed for use with protein foams to combat class B fires. Most of the dry chemicals contain metal stearate to make it waterproof, but this will tend to destroy the foam blanket made by protein-based foams (animals). This type of foam is compatible using silicon as a waterproofing agent, which does not harm the foam. The effectiveness is identical to the usual dry chemical, and the color is light green (some ANSUL brand formulations are blue). These agents are generally no longer used because most modern dry chemicals are considered compatible with synthetic foams such as AFFF.
- MET-L-KYL/PYROKYL is a special variation of sodium bicarbonate to combat pyrophoric (lit on contact with air) liquid fires. In addition to sodium bicarbonate, it also contains silica gel particles. Sodium bicarbonate interrupts the chain reaction of fuel and silica absorbs unburned fuel, preventing contact with air. This is also effective for other B-class fuels. The colors are blue/red.
Cool the burning material. Very effective against fires in furniture, fabrics, etc. (Including deep fires), but can be used safely only if there is no electricity.
- The Pump-Type Water consists of 2 1 / 2 - or 5- Galon container metal or plastic without pressure with the pump mounted on it, and the drain hose and nozzle. Water-extinguishing pumps are often used where clotting conditions may occur, as they can be economically frozen with calcium chloride (except stainless steel models), such as barns, out buildings and unheated warehouses. They are also useful where many, frequent place fires, such as during fire hours for hot work operations. They depend on the power of the user to produce a proper disposal stream for firefighters. Water and antifreeze are the most common, but the flow charge and foam design are made in the past. The backpack models exist for forest fire suppression, and may be solid materials such as metal or fiberglass, or vinyl or rubber bags folded for easy storage.
- Air pressurized water (APW) cools a burning material by absorbing heat from a burning material. Effective in Class A fires, it has the advantage of being cheap, harmless, and relatively easy to clean. In the United States, APW units contain 2.5 gallon US (9.5 liters) of water in high stainless steel cylinders. In Europe, they are usually mild steel, coated with polyethylene, painted red, containing 6-9 liters (1.6-2.4 Â ° c) of water.
- Water mist (WM) uses a smooth misting nozzle to break the deionised water stream to a point that does not drain power to the operator. Class A and C grade ratings. These are widely used in hospitals and MRI facilities because they are not at all toxic and do not cause cardiac sensitization like some gas cleaning agents. This fire extinguisher is 1-3/4 and 2-1/2 gallon, painted white in the United States. The model used in the MRI facility is non-magnetic and safe to use in the room where the MRI machine operates. The models available in Europe come in smaller sizes as well, and some even carry the Class F rating for commercial kitchens, basically using steam to hold fire and water content to cool the oil.
Wet chemicals and water additives
Wet chemicals (potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, or potassium citrate) extinguish the fire by forming a soapy foam blanket over the burning oil through a chemical saponification process (the alkali reacts with fat to form soap) and by the water content cools the oil below its ignition temperature. Generally class A and K (F in Europe) alone, although older models also achieved class B and C outage capabilities in the past, current models are rated A: K (Amerex, Ansul, Buckeye and Strike First) or K only ( Badger/Kidde).
- Wetting agents: Detergent-based additives are used to break the water surface tension and increase the penetration of class A fires.
- Antifreeze chemicals are added to water to decrease freezing to about -40Ã, Â ° F (-40Ã, Â ° C). Has no meaningful effect on fire fighting performance. Can be a stream based on glycol or loaded, see below.
- Loaded Stream An alkaline metal salt solution is added to water to decrease freezing to about -40Ã, Â ° F (-40Ã, Â ° C). The loaded stream is essentially concentrated wet chemicals, discharged through a straight flow nozzle, intended for class A fires. In addition to lowering the freezing point of water, the loaded stream also increases penetration into solid A grade material, and will assign class B ratings slightly (rated 1-B in the past), although current loaded loads are currently rated only 2 A. Loaded Streams are highly corrosive, and extinguishers containing these agents must be replenished annually to check for corrosion.
Halons, clean replacement agents Halon and carbon dioxide
Clean agents extinguish the fire by replacing oxygen (CO 2 or inert gas), removing heat from the combustion zone (Halotron-1, FE-36, Novec 1230) or inhibiting chemical chain reaction (Halons). They are referred to as clean agents because they leave no residue after the ideal discharge to protect sensitive electronics, airplanes, armored vehicles and archival storage, museums and valuable documents.
- Halon (including Halon 1211 and Halon 1301), is a gas agent that inhibits the chemical reaction of fire. Class B: C for 1301 and smaller 1211 fire extinguishers (2.3 kg, below 9 pounds) and A: B: C for larger units (9-17 pounds or 4.1-7.7 kg). Halon gas is prohibited from new production under the Montreal Protocol, as of January 1, 1994 because its properties contribute to ozone depletion and long atmospheric lifetimes, typically 400 years. Halon can be recycled and used to fill newly manufactured cylinders, however, only Amerex continues to do this. The rest of the industry has moved to halon alternatives, however, halon 1211 is still vital for certain military and industrial users, so there is a need for it.
Halon is strictly prohibited in Europe and Australia except for critical users such as law enforcement and aviation, which result in piles either being destroyed through high burning heat or sent to the United States for reuse. Halons 1301 and 1211 are replaced with new halocarbon agents that do not have the ozone depletion properties and low atmospheric life, but are less effective. Halon 2402 is a liquid (dibromotetrafluoroethane) agent which has limited use in the West because its toxicity is higher than 1211 or 1301. It is widely used in Russia and parts of Asia, and it is used by the Italian branch of Kidde, marketed under the name "Fluobrene".
- Halocarbon replacement, HCFC Blend B (Halotron I, American Pacific Corporation), HFC-227ea (FM-200, Great Lakes Chemicals Corporation), and HFC-236fa (FE-36, DuPont), have been approved by FAA for use in aircraft cabins in 2010. Considerations for halon replacement include human toxicity when used in confined spaces, diminishing ozone potential, and greenhouse warming potential. Three recommended agents meet minimum performance standards, but absorption is slow due to losses. In particular, they require two to three times the concentration to extinguish the flame compared to Halon 1211. They are heavier than halon, require larger bottles because they are less effective, and have the potential of greenhouse gases. Research continues to look for better alternatives.
- CO 2 , a clean gas agent that replaces oxygen. The highest rating for portable CO 2 20B (9.1 kg) is 10B: C. Not intended for Class A fires, because high-pressure gas clouds can spread burning materials. CO 2 is not suitable for use in fires containing a source of oxygen, metal or other cooking medium. Although it can be somewhat successful in someone who is burned, its use should be avoided if possible because it can cause frostbite and suffocation.
- Novec 1230 liquid (AKA dried water , or Saffire liquid), fluorinated ketones that work by removing large amounts of heat. Available in fixed systems and wheeled units in the US and in portable in Australia. Unlike other clean agents, this one has the advantage of being liquid at atmospheric pressure, and can be disposed of as a rapidly evaporating stream or fog, depending on the application.
- Generator of potassium aerosol particles, containing solid potassium salt form and other chemicals called aerosol forming compounds (AFC). AFC is powered by an electric current or other thermodynamic exchange that causes the AFC to ignite. The majority of installed today are fixed units because of the possibility of endangering users from the heat generated by the AFC generator.
- E-36 Cryotec, a type of high concentration, high pressure wet chemicals (potassium acetate and water), is used by the US Military in applications such as the Abrams tank to replace the obsolete 1301 previously installed units.
Dry Powder Class D and other agents for metal fires
There are some class D firefighters available; some will handle many types of metal, others do not.
- Sodium chloride (Super-D, Met-L-X, M28, Pyrene Pyromet *) contains sodium chloride salt, which melts to form a crust without oxygen over the metal. Thermoplastic additives such as nylon are added to allow salt to more easily form a cohesive crust on a burning metal. Useful for most alkali metals including sodium and potassium, and other metals including magnesium, titanium, aluminum, and zirconium.
- Copper Powder Navy 125S developed by the US Navy in the 1970s for lithium and lithium-alloy fires that are difficult to control. The powder darkens and acts as a heat sink to dissipate heat, but also forms a copper-lithium alloy on a non-flammable surface and cuts off the oxygen supply. Will stick to the vertical surface. Only lithium.
- Graphite based (G-Plus, G-1, Lith-X, Chubb Pyromet) contains dry graphite that destroys burning metal. The first type developed, designed for magnesium, works on other metals as well. Unlike sodium chloride powder extinguishers, graphite powder extinguishers can be used on very hot burning metals such as lithium, but unlike copper powder extinguishers will not stick and extinguish the flame or vertical lithium flame. Like a copper fire extinguisher, graphite powder acts as a heat absorber as well as a strangling iron fire.
- Sodium carbonate based (Na-X) is used in which stainless steel pipe and equipment can be damaged by sodium chloride-based agents to control the flame of sodium, potassium, and sodium-potassium alloys. Usage is limited to other metals. Smothers and crust form.
- The eutectic chloride terrestrial dry powder (T.E.C.) is a dry powder found in 1959 by Lawrence H Cope, a research metallurgist working for the British Atomic Energy Authority, and licensed to John Kerr Co. from the UK. It consists of a mixture of three salt powders: sodium, potassium and barium chloride. T.E.C. forming an oxygen layer-not including a molten salt on a metal surface. Along with Met-LX (sodium chloride), TEC has been reported to be one of the most effective agents (together with Met-LX (sodium chloride)) for use in sodium, potassium and NaK flame, and is used specifically on atoms. metals such as uranium and plutonium because it will not contaminate precious metals like other agents. T.E.C. quite toxic, due to the content of barium chloride, and for this reason is no longer used in the UK, and is never used in the US other than the radioactive material handling box, where its toxicity does not matter because of its limited nature. T.E.C. is still widely used in India, despite toxicity, while the West uses mainly sodium chloride, graphite, and copper powder types and considers T.E.C. worn.
- Trimethoxyboroxine (TMB) liquid is a boron compound dissolved in methanol to provide the right fluidity and allow it to be removed from portable fire extinguishers. It was developed in the late 1950s by the US Navy for use on magnesium fires, particularly falling planes and aircraft wheel fires from landing hard. This unique as an extinguishing agent in the agent itself is a flammable liquid. When TMB contacts fire, methanol converges and burns with a greenish flame due to boron. When methanol burns, a layer of wasteful oxide glass lies on the metal surface, creating a non-airborne crust. This extinguisher is manufactured by Ansul Chemical Co. using a TMB agent produced by Callery Chemical Company, and modified 2.5-gallon water extinguishers (Ansul using a re-branded Elkhart scanner at the time), with a variable-flow nozzle that can provide a straight stream or spray on the lever pitch. 6 inch fluorescent orange ribbon with "TMB" letter stenciled on black TMB identified from other fire extinguishers. This agent is problematic because it has a shelf life of only six months to a year after the extinguisher is filled, because methanol is highly hygroscopic (absorbing water vapor from the air), which causes corrosion to the extinguisher and makes its use burn. dangerous. These extinguishers were used from the 1950s to 70s in various applications, such as the MB-1 and MB-5 crash trucks. The current SOP is to use a water mist and cool/burn a burning metal.
TMB was used experimentally by the US Air Force, in particular with respect to B-52 engine assemblies, and tested in a modified 10-gallon CBM extinguisher. Other agents are added to suppress the methanol flares, such as chlorobromomethane (CBM), Halon 2402, and Halon 1211, with varying success. Halon 1211 was the most successful, and the combined TMBs pressed with halon 1211 and nitrogen called Boralon were used experimentally by the Los Alamos National Laboratory for use on atomic metals, using a sealed cylindrical extinguisher made by Metalcraft and Graviner which eliminates the problem of moisture contamination.. TMB/Boralon is abandoned for the sake of a more versatile agent, although it is still mentioned in most US fire fighting literature. Buffalo M-X is a short-lived oil-based extinguishing agent for magnesium fires, manufactured by Buffalo in the 1950s. Discovered by Germany in World War II that heavy oils can be applied to burn magnesium chips to cool and hold them, and are easy to apply from pressurized extinguishers, made by Total German firms. After the war, the seizure of technology covered everything, and fire extinguishers were no exception.
Buffalo markets a 2.5-gallon and a 1-quart extinguisher using liquid MX discharged through a low-speed shower type nozzle, but it meets with limited success, as it rises against Ansul's Met-LX, which can be used on more types of metals and not flammable. M-X has the advantage of being rechargeable and non-corrosive, because it is oil-based, but production does not last long because of its limited application.
- Some water-based presses may be used in certain Class D fires, such as burning titanium and magnesium. Examples include Fire Blockade and FireAde brand suppressant. Some metals, such as elemental lithium, will react explosively with water, therefore water-based chemicals should not be used in such fires because of possible strong reactions.
Most class D extinguishers will have a special low-speed nozzle or exhaust sticks to gently apply the agent in large volumes to avoid distorted fuel interference. Agents are also available in large quantities and can be applied with spoons or shovels.
- Notes. "Pyromet" is a trade name that refers to two separate agents. Created by Pyrene Co. Ltd. (UK) in the 1960s, was originally a sodium chloride formulation with monoammonium phosphate, protein, clay and waterproofing agents. The modern Pyromet made by Chubb Fire is a graphite formulation.
Bola pemadam kebakaran
Some modern "ball" or grenade extinguishers are available on the market. The modern version of the ball is a hard foam shell, encased in a fuse that leads to a small black powder inside. The ball exploded shortly after contact with the fire, spreading an ABC dry chemical powder cloud that extinguished the flames. The coverage area is about 5 m 2 (54 m²). One of the benefits of this type is that it can be used for passive suppression. The ball can be placed in an area prone to fire and will spread automatically if fire develops, triggered by heat. They can also be operated manually by rolling or throwing into a fire. Most modern extinguishers of this type are designed to make loud noises during installation.
This technology is not new. In the 1800s, glass fire grenades filled with suppressive liquids were popular. This glass fire grenade bottle is sought by collectors. Some brands later, such as Red Comet, are designed for passive operations, and include special holders with spring triggers that will break glass balls when a melt link melts. As is typical of this era, some glass extinguishers contain toxic carbon tetrachloride.
Strong aerosol fire suppression
Fire suppression of fire aerosols is a form of fire fighting particles similar to gas fire suppression or dry chemical fire extinguishers. As with any gas fire suppressor, a strong aerosol suppressor uses a clean agent to suppress the flame. Agents may be sent through mechanical operations, electrical operations, or combined electro-mechanical operations. For different gas suppressors, which emit only gas, and dry chemical extinguishers, which release large powdered particles (25-150 μm) of condensed aerosols are determined by the National Fire Protection Association as releasing finely divided solid particles (generally & lt; 10 Âμm), usually other than gas.
Whereas a dry chemical system must be directly directed to a flame, the condensed aerosol is a flood agent and is therefore effective regardless of location and height of fire. Wet chemical systems, such as those commonly found in foam extinguishers, should, together with a dry chemical system, be sprayed directly, to a fire. In addition, wet chemicals (such as potassium carbonate) are dissolved in water, while the substances used in condensed aerosols are microscopic solids.
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In 2015, the researchers announced that high volume sounds in the 30 to 60 hertz range moved oxygen away from the burning surface, extinguishing the flames. One of the proposed applications is putting out fires in outer space, with no cleaning required for mass-based systems.
Most countries in the world require routine fire fighting by competent people to operate safely and effectively, as part of fire safety legislation. Lack of maintenance may cause the extinguisher not to exit when needed, or rupture when pressed. Deaths have occurred, even in recent times, from rusty firefighters that explode.
There is no fire code covering all in the United States. Generally, most cities (by adopting the International Fire Code) require checks every 30 days to ensure the unit is pressed and unobstructed (performed by facility employees) and annual checks by qualified technicians. Hydrostatic pressure testing for all types of extinguishers is also required, generally every five years for water and CO 2 models up to every 12 years for dry chemical models.
Recently the National Fire Protection Association and the ICC voted to allow the abolition of the 30-day inspection requirement during firefighters electronically monitored. According to NFPA, the system must provide records in the form of electronic event logs in the control panel. The system must also always monitor the physical presence of extinguishers, internal pressure and whether there are obstacles that can prevent ready access. If any of the above conditions are found, the system should send a warning to the officials so they can remedy the situation immediately. Electronic monitoring can be either wired or wireless.
In the UK, three types of maintenance are required:
- Basic services: All types of extinguishers require a baseline inspection each year to check the weight, externally validate the correct pressure, and find signs of damage or corrosion. A fire extinguisher shall be opened for internal inspection, and to ensure the cartridge's weight is tested. Labels should be checked for legibility, and where possible, dip tubes, hoses, and mechanisms should be tested for clear and free operation.
- Service extension: Water, wet chemicals, foam, and powder extinguishers require a more detailed inspection every five years, including debit and refill tests. In a stored pressure extinguisher, this is the only opportunity to check for internal damage/corrosion. Improved
- Overhaul: CO 2 , due to high operating pressure, subject to pressure vessel security laws, and hydraulic pressure testing, internal and external checking, and date stamped every 10 years. Because the pressure can not be tested, a new valve is also installed. If any part of the extinguisher is replaced with a part of another manufacturer, then the fire extinguisher will lose its fire rating.
In the United States, there are 3 types of services:
- Maintenance checks: All types of extinguishers should be checked at least once a year. This extinguisher is checked that the apparatus has the correct volume and pressure of the extinguishing agent, that it is within the required hydrotest and internal maintenance interval, that the condition is in good condition, and that all external parts are still serviceable. Dry chemicals and dry powder can also be hit on the bottom with a rubber hammer to make sure the powder is free flowing. Upon inspection, the technician will attach a new tamper seal and an annual service tag around the pin.
- Internal maintenance:
- Water - annually (several states) or 5 years (NFPA 10, 2010 edition)
- Foam - every 3 years
- Wet chemicals, and CO 2 - every 5 years
- Dry chemical and dry powder - every 6 years
- Halon and clean agent - every 6 years.
- Dry chemical or dry powder operated with cartridge - every year
- Stored-pressure dry chemical is installed on the vehicle - annually
- The extinguishers are emptied of chemicals and pressure to check the correct operation. All components are disassembled, inspected, cleaned, lubricated, or replaced if damaged. The liquid is replaced at this time, the dry agent can be reused if in good condition, halon recovered and reused, but CO 2 is discharged into the atmosphere. The extinguishers are then refilled and recharged, after the "service verification collar" is placed around the cylinder neck. It is impossible to install or remove the collars properly without extinguishing the extinguishers.
- Note: The cartridge-operated scanner should be checked visually, but does not require service-collar verification.
- Hydrostatic testing: Water, foam, wet chemicals, and CO 2 , every 5 years. Dry chemical, dry powder, halon, and clean agent, every 12 years.
Note: this is the interval required for normal service conditions, if the extinguishers have been subjected to excessive heat, vibration, or mechanical damage may need to be tested more quickly.
The agent is emptied and the pressure is lowered and the valve is removed. After a thorough internal and external visual inspection, the cylinder is filled with water, placed in a safety cage, and pressurized to a specified test pressure (varies by type, age, and cylindrical material) for a specified time period. If no damage, bulge or leak is detected, the cylinder will pass. The cylinders are then emptied of water and dried thoroughly, and labeled with test dates and testing companies. Type CO 2 has test information stamped on the cylinder, all other types get stickers on the back of the cylinder. Once dry, the unit is refilled. Unlike the UK, the US does not rebuild the extinguishers and replace the valves at certain intervals unless the parts found are damaged, with the exception of halon. The types of halon are often given new o-rings and valve stems at each internal treatment to minimize potential leakage.
OEM equipment shall be used for spare parts replacement of extinguishers to maintain its UL rating. If replacement parts are not available, replacement is recommended, keep in mind that extinguishers have a projected lifetime of around 25-35 years, though many are qualified so they can last longer than this, but realize that science is always changing, and something that is best which was available 30 years ago may not be acceptable for modern fire protection needs.
Vandalism and fire protection
Firefighters are sometimes subjected to vandalism in schools and other open spaces. Firefighters are sometimes partially, or completely disposed of by destroyers, disrupting the actual firefighting abilities of firefighters.
In open public spaces, extinguishers should ideally be stored in cabinets with glass that must be solved to access extinguishers, or that issue alarm sirens that can not be turned off without a key, to remind people that extinguishers have been handled by unauthorized persons. if fire does not exist. It also reminds maintenance to check the extinguisher for use so it can be replaced if it has been used.
Fire tag
Signs of fire-fighting identification are small signs designed to be installed near a fire extinguisher, to draw attention to a fire extinguisher site (for example, if a fire extinguisher is on a large pole, the mark will generally be at the top of the pole so it can be seen from a distance). Such signs can be made from a variety of materials, generally adhesive vinyl, rigid PVC, and aluminum.
In addition to the words and pictographs that indicate the existence of fire extinguishers, some modern fire extinguishing signs also describe the fire extinguishers in the unit, and summarize the types of fire that can be safely used.
Some public and government buildings are often required, with local legal codes, to provide identification marks for each fire extinguisher on the site.
Similar marks are available for other fire extinguishers (including fire blankets and fire/shelf hoses), and for other emergency equipment (such as first aid kit).
Placement of fire tags
Most licensing authorities have rules that explain the standard appearance of these signs (eg, text height, pictographs used and so on).
Signs of the location of the light-emitting fire extinguisher (Photoluminescent fire extinguisher)
The signs of a photoluminescent fire extinguisher are made with a non-toxic phosphorus photoluminescent that absorbs ambient light and releases it slowly in dark conditions - a sign "shining in the dark". Such signs do not rely on external power supplies, and therefore offer a cheap and reliable means of indicating the position of emergency equipment in dark or smoky conditions. The lighting performance for the signs of the location of the life-safety device must comply with the requirements of ISO 17398 International Standard so that this mark is not only vibrant at very low levels of ambient light (25 lux), but also has effective light intensity and long life, striking security in the event of a power failure, or if the smoke obscures the emergency ceiling lights. The Photoluminescent Safety Products Association (PSPA) has a classification guide for luminance performance to assist users with applications under the "International Maritime Organization's Electrical Requirements and Location Requirements for Life Savers," and industry fire safety management requirements worldwide.
Signs of luminescent photographs are sometimes misrepresented as reflective. The reflective material will only return the ambient light as long as the light source is supplied, rather than storing energy and releasing it for a period of time. However, many firefighting stations and installation of extinguishers have strips of retoreflective adhesive tape placed on them to facilitate their location in situations where only emergency lights or flashlights are available.
See also
- Fire blanket
- Manufacturers Association of Fire Appliances
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Dana, Gorham (1919), Automatic Sprinkler Protection (second edition), John Wiley & amp; Sons, Inc.External links
- MSDS for ABC Dry Chemical
- MSDS for Carbon Dioxide
- MSDS for Wet Chemistry
- MSDS for AFFF 2% Foam Concentrate
- MSDS for Military Spec 3% AFFF Foam Concentrate US MIL-F-24385
- MSDS for Halotron
- MSDS for Class D Metal Fires
- MSDS for INILAM A Foam Concentrate
- MSDS for Powder Purple-K
- MSDS Gloria AFFF
- MSDS Gloria Adex Powder
- MSDS Gloria RC50 wet chemistry
- MSDS for Radical-40 Blue Powder
- OSHA requirements
- America with the Disability Act (ADA) 2010 Standard
- An online museum about antique fire extinguishers and its history
Source of the article : Wikipedia