The Pony Express is a mailing service that sends messages, newspapers, and letters.
Officially operating as Leavenworth and Pike's Peak Express Company in 1859, in 1860 became Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company; the company was founded by William H. Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell, all of whom are well known in the shipping business.
During the 18 months of operation, it reduces the time for messages to travel between the Atlantic coast and the Pacific to about 10 days. From 3 April 1860 to October 1861, it became the most direct means of west-east western communication before the intercontinental telegraph was erected (October 24, 1861), and it was essential to bind California's new state to the rest of the United States.
Video Pony Express
Inception and set up
The idea of ​​a rapid mail route to the Pacific coast is largely driven by California's new excellence and rapidly growing population. After gold was discovered there in 1848, thousands of miners, investors, and entrepreneurs walked to California, at that time the new territory of the United States. In 1850, California entered the Union as an independent state. By 1860, the population had grown to 380,000. The demand for a faster way to get letters and other communications to and from the westernmost state became even greater as the American Civil War approached.
In the late 1850s, William Russell, Alexander Majors, and William Waddell were the three founders of Pony Express. They are already in the shipping business and drayage. At the peak of the operation, they employ 6,000 people, owning 75,000 bulls, thousands of wagons, and warehouses plus sawmills, packing plants, banks and insurance companies.
Russell is a prominent businessman, highly respected among his friends and society. Waddell is the joint owner of Morehead, Waddell & amp; After Morehead Co was bought and retired, Waddell merged his company with Russell, renamed Waddell & amp; Russell. In 1855 they took a new partner, Alexander Majors, and founded the company Russell, Major & amp; Waddell. They entered into a government contract to send troop supplies to the western border, and Russell had a similar idea for a contract with the US Government for quick mail delivery.
By utilizing short routes and using riders mounted rather than traditional stagecoaches, they propose to create a fast mail service between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, with letters sent within 10 days, the duration that many say is impossible. The starting price was set at $ 5 per ounce (14g), then $ 2.50, and in July 1861 to $ 1 The founders of Pony Express wished to win an exclusive government mailing contract, but that did not happen.
Russell, Majors and Waddell arranged and collected the Pony Express in two months in the winter of 1860. It collected 120 motorists, 184 stations, 400 horses, and several hundred personnel during January and February 1861.
Major is a religious person and decides "with God's help" to overcome all difficulties. He presented every rider with a special edition of the Bible and required this oath, which they also had to sign.
"I, ... , hereby swear, before the Great and Living Lord, that during my engagement, and when I was an employee of Russell, Major, and Waddell, I would, under any circumstances, use indecent language, that I will not drink intoxicating, that I will not quarrel or fight with other employees of the company, and that in all things I will commit myself honestly, be true to my duties, and direct all acts to win the trust of my employer, so help me God. "
The Pony Express demonstrates that an integrated cross-continental communications system can be established and operated throughout the year. When it was replaced by telegraphs, Pony Express quickly became romantic and became part of American Western knowledge. His dependence on the capabilities and resilience of young individuals, tough riders and fast horses is seen as evidence of rugged American individualism from the Frontier times.
From 1866 to 1889, the Pony Express logo was used by Wells Fargo rail and freight companies, providing secure postal services. The United States Postal Service (USPS) uses "Pony Express" as the trademark for postal services in the US. The Freight Link international courier service, based in Russia, adopts the Pony Express trademark and logo similar to USPS.
Maps Pony Express
In 1860, there were about 186 Pony Express stations about 10 miles (16 km) along the Pony Express route. At each station stops an express rider will turn into a fresh horse, just pick up a mailing bag called mochila (from Spain for a bag or backpack) with him.
Entrepreneurs emphasize the importance of pockets. They often say that, if that happens, horses and riders must die before mochila does. Mochila was thrown over the saddle and held in place by the weight of the rider sitting on it. Each corner has a cantina, or pouch. A mail bundle is placed in this cantina, which is padlocked for security. Mochila can hold 20 pounds (9 kg) of letters along with 20 pounds (9 kg) of material carried on horses. Finally, everything except one revolver and water sack is removed, allowing for a total of £ 165 (75 kg) on ​​the horse's back. Riders, who can not weigh more than 125 pounds (57 kg), change every 75-100 miles (120-160 km), and ride day and night. In an emergency, the rider may ride two stages back to back, more than 20 hours with a fast moving horse.
It is unknown whether riders try to cross the Sierra Nevada in the winter, but they surely cross the center of Nevada. In 1860 there was a telegraph station in Carson City, Nevada. The riders receive $ 100 a month as payment. The comparable wage for unskilled labor at the time was about $ 0.43 - $ 1 per day.
Alexander Majors, one of the founders of Pony Express, has acquired more than 400 horses for the project. He chose a horse from around the west, paying an average of $ 200. It averaged about 14.2 hands (58 inches, 147 cm) tall and averaged 900 lb (410 kg) each; thus, the name pony is appropriate, even if not true in all cases.
Pony Express Route
The 1,900 mile (3,100 km) rough route follows the Oregon and California Trails to Fort Bridger in Wyoming, and then the Mormon Trail (known as Hastings Cutoff) to Salt Lake City, Utah. From there follow the Central Nevada Route to Carson City, Nevada before passing Sierra to Sacramento, California.
The route starts at St. Joseph, Missouri on the Missouri River, then followed the so-called US Highway 36 (US Highway Highway Pony Express Highway) to Marysville, Kansas, where he changed to the northwest. Little Blue River to Fort Kearny in Nebraska. Through Nebraska follow the Great River Platte Road, cut through Gothenburg, Nebraska, cut Colorado's edge in Julesburg, Colorado, and pass through Courthouse Rock, Chimney Rock and Scotts Bluff, before arriving at Fort Laramie in Wyoming. From there follow the Sweetwater River, past Independence Rock, Devil's Gate, and Split Rock, to Fort Caspar, via South Pass to Fort Bridger and then to Salt Lake City. From Salt Lake City generally follows the Central Nevada Route that was captured by Captain James H. Simpson of the Corps of Topographical Engineers in 1859. This route roughly follows US $ 50 today in Nevada and Utah. It crosses the Great Basin, Utah-Nevada Desert, and Sierra Nevada near Lake Tahoe before arriving in Sacramento. Mail is then sent via steamboat to the Sacramento River to San Francisco. In some instances when the steamboat was lost, motorists took mail through horses to Oakland, California.
There are 184 stations along the long and arduous routes used by Pony Express. Station and station keepers are essential to the successful, timely and smooth operation of the Pony Express email system. Stations are often made of existing structures, some of which are located in military fortresses, while others are rebuilt in remote areas where living conditions are very basic. The route is divided into five divisions. To maintain a rigid schedule, 157 relay stations are located from 5 to 25 miles (8 to 40 km) apart because of possible terrain. In each of the swing stations, the riders will exchange their weary mounts for the new ones, while the "home station" provides space and boards for the rider between the tracks. This technique allows the mail to be brought across the continent in no time. Each rider rises about 75 miles (120 km) per day.
First trip
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First Pony Express West trip left St. Joseph on April 3, 1860 and arrived ten days later in Sacramento, California, on April 14. These letters were sent under protection from East to St. Joseph, and never directly into the US mail system. Currently there is only one letter known to exist from the inaugural trip west of St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California. The mailings described below are on the pre-printed (embossed) envelope, first published by the US Post Office in 1855, used five years later here.
The messenger who sent mochila from New York and Washington, DC, missed out on a connection in Detroit and arrived in Hannibal, Missouri, two hours late. The train cleared the track and sent a special locomotive called Missouri with a one-car train to travel 206 miles (332 km) across the country in a record of 4 hours 51 minutes, an average of 40 miles per hour (64 km/h). Arrive on Olive and 8th Street, a few blocks from the company's new corporate headquarters at a hotel in Patee House on 12th and Penn Street and the company's nearest cage on Penn Street. The first bag contains 49 letters, five private telegrams, and several papers for San Francisco and the midpoints.
St. Joseph Mayor M. Jeff Thompson, William H. Russell, and Alexander Majors gave a speech before the mochila was handed over. The journey begins around 07:15. The St. Joseph Gazette is the only newspaper included in the bag.
The identity of the first rider has long been disputed. St. Joseph Weekly Week (April 4, 1860) reported that Johnson William Richardson was the first rider. Johnny Fry is credited in some sources as a rider. Nevertheless, the first western rider took a pouch across the Missouri River ferry to Elwood, Kansas. The first horse leg of the Express is just about 1 mile (800 m) from the Express cage/railway area to the Missouri River Ferry at the foot of Jules Street. Reports show that horses and riders cross the river. In the next journey, the courier crossed the river without a horse and took his mount in the cage on the other side.
Mochila westward first reaches its destination, Sacramento, on April 14, at 1:00 am.
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The first Pext Express trip left Sacramento, California, on 3 April 1860 and arrived at its destination ten days later at St. Joseph, Missouri. From St. Joseph, a letter placed on US mail to be sent to the eastern destination. There are only two letters that are known to exist from the prime journey east from San Francisco to St. Joseph.
Since the Pony Express Mail service only existed briefly in 1860 and 1861, there are very few surviving examples of Pony Express letters. Also, contributing to the scarcity of the surviving Pony Express message is that the cost of sending 1 / 2 -ounce (14g) is $ 5.00 at the beginning, (about $ 130.00 for the current standard). In the final period of the Pony Express, the price has dropped to $ 1.00 per ounce but even that is considered expensive (equivalent to $ 27.00 per ounce) in 2017) just to send a single letter. Since this mail service is also a border company, removed from the general population in the east, along with very affordable rates, there are several pieces of Pony Express mail that still survive in the hands of collectors and museums. There are only 250 known examples of Pony Express letters.
Various postmarks are added to the post to be carried by Pony Express at the point of departure.
Fastest mail service
William Russell, senior partner of Russell, Major and Waddell and one of the biggest investors at Pony Express, used the presidential election of 1860 as a way to promote the Pony Express and how fast the US Mail was delivered. Prior to the election, Russell hired an extra rider to ensure that new riders and horse relay were available along the route. On November 7, 1860, a Pony Express rider left Fort Kearny, Nebraska Region (east end of the telegraph line) with election results. The rider drove along the route, past the snow-covered path and into Fort Churchill, Nevada Region (the end of the western telegraph line). The California newspaper received news of Lincoln's election just seven days and 17 hours after the East Coast newspaper, a feat unchallenged at the time.
The Paiute War is a series of small attacks and ambushes initiated by the Paiute Indians in Nevada, resulting in the disruption of mail services from Pony Express. It lasted from May to June 1860, though sporadic violence continued for a period afterwards. In a short history operated by Pony Express only once, the letter did not work. After completing eight weekly trips from Sacramento and Saint Joseph, Pony Express was forced to suspend mail services due to the outbreak of the Paiute Indian War in May 1860.
Around 6,000 Paiutes in Nevada suffered during the winter of that year's snowstorm. In spring, the whole tribe is ready to start a war, except for Paiute's head Numaga. For three days Numaga fasted and argued for peace. Meanwhile, a group of invaders attacked Williams Station, a Pony Express station located on the Carson River near Lake Lahontan today. One account says the attack was a deliberate attempt to provoke a war. Others say the robbers have heard that the people in the office have kidnapped two Paiute women, and fights broke out as they went to investigate and free the women. Either way, the war party killed five people and the station burned.
Over the following weeks, other separate incidents occurred when white people in the Paiute country were ambushed and killed. The Pony Express is a special target. Seven other express stations were also attacked; about 16 employees were killed and about 150 express horses were stolen or expelled. The Paiute War cost Pony Express about $ 75,000 in livestock and station equipment, not to mention the loss of life. In June of that year, the Paiute rebellion had ended through the intervention of US government forces, after four delayed mail deliveries from the East were finally brought to San Francisco on 25 June 1860.
During this brief war, a single delivery of Pony Express, which left San Francisco on July 21, 1860, did not immediately reach its destination. The mail bag (mochila) did not reach St. Joseph and then New York until almost two years later.
Famous rider
In 1860, driving a Pony Express was a tough job - the rider had to be tough and light. A famous advertisement allegedly read:
Pony Express has about 80 motorists who travel east or west along the route at any given time. In addition, there are about 400 other employees, including station guard, stock tender, and route supervisor. Many young men sign up; Waddell and Majors can easily hire motorists at low prices, but offer a hundred dollars a month - a good amount for that time. Author Mark Twain describes the rider in his Roughing It memoirs as: "... usually a bit of a man". Although the riders were small, light, generally teenage boys, they were later seen as American West heroes. There is no list of systematic racers kept by the company, but the partial list has been compiled by Raymond and Nancy Settle at Saddles & amp; Spurs (1972).
First rider
The identity of the first western rider leaving St. Joseph has been disputed, but today most historians have narrowed him down to Johnny Fry or Billy Richardson. Both Expressmen were employed in St. Joseph for A. E. Lewis' Division which ran from St. Joseph to Seneca, Kansas, a distance of 80 miles (130 km). They include an average speed of 12 1 / 2 miles per hour (20 km/h), including all dismissal. Before the mail bag was delivered to the first rider on April 3, 1860, time was taken for the ceremony and several speeches. First, Mayor M. Jeff Thompson gave a short speech about the importance of the event for St. Joseph. Then William H. Russell and Alexander Majors spoke to the gala crowd about how the Pony Express was just a "precursor" to the construction of a transcontinental railway. At the end of all the speeches, at approximately 7:15 pm, Russell returned the mail bag to the first rider. A cannon was fired, a large crowd gathered cheering, and riders rushed to the landing at the foot of Jules Street where the Denver ferry , under a steamy head, alerted by a signal cannon, waiting to carry horses and riders across the River Missouri to Elwood, Kansas Region. On April 9 at 6:45 am, the first rider from the east reached Salt Lake City, Utah. Then, on April 12, the mail bag reached Carson City, Nevada at 2:30 pm. The riders drove past the Sierra Nevada Mountains, through Placerville, California and to Sacramento. Around midnight on April 14, 1860, the first mailing bag was shipped via Pony Express to San Francisco. Bringing it was a congratulatory letter from President Buchanan to California Governor Downey along with other official government communications, newspapers from New York, Chicago, and St. John. Louis, along with other important letters to banks and commercial houses in San Francisco. Altogether 85 sheets of mail were sent on this first trip.
James Randall is credited as the first east rider of the San Francisco Alta telegraph office since he was on the Antelope steamer to go to Sacramento. Mail for the Pony Express left San Francisco at 4:00 pm, carried by horses and riders to the beach, and then by steamboat to Sacramento where the ship was picked up by Pony Express riders. At 2:45 am, William (Sam) Hamilton was the first Pony Express driver to start the journey from Sacramento. He went to the Sportsman Hall Station where he gave his mochila full of letters to Warren Upson. A plaque of Historical Signed Historical Sign on the site reads:
This is the site of Sportsman's Hall, also known as the House of Twelve Mile. This hotel operated in the late 1850s and 1860s by John and James Blair. A stop-off for various stages and the Comstock team, being a relay station of the downtown Pony Express. Here, at 7:40 am, April 4, 1860, rider Pony William (Sam) Hamilton, up from Placerville, handed Express a letter to Warren Upson who, two minutes later, drove on his way eastward.
William Cody
Perhaps more than any other rider on the Pony Express, William Cody (better known as Buffalo Bill) symbolizes legends and folklore, be it fact or fiction, from Pony Express. Many stories have been told about the adventure of young Cody as a Pony Express rider. At age 15 Cody was on his way west to California when he met the Pony Express agents along the way and joined the company. Cody helped in the construction of several road stations. After that, he was hired as a rider and given a short 45 mile (72 km) run from the small town of Julesburg in the west. After a few months, he was transferred to the Slade Division in Wyoming where he traveled the longest uninterrupted ride from Red Buttes Station to Rocky Ridge Station and returned when he discovered that his relief helper had been killed. The distance 322 miles (518 km) above one of the most dangerous parts of the entire line is completed in 21 hours and 40 minutes, and 21 horses are required to complete this section. On one occasion while carrying a letter he accidentally ran to an Indian war party but managed to escape. Cody was present for many important chapters in early western history, including gold rush, railroad and cattle ranching dribbled in the Great Plains. Career as a reconnaissance for the Army under General Phillip Sheridan after the Civil War earned him his nickname and set his fame as a frontiersman.
Robert Haslam
Robert Haslam (Pony Bob) is one of the most courageous, clever, and most famous Pony Express riders. He was born in January 1840 in London, England, and came to the United States as a teenager. Haslam was hired by Bolivar Roberts, helped build the station, and was given a letter sent from Friday Station at Lake Tahoe to Buckland's Station near Fort Churchill, 75 miles (121 km) east.
His greatest journey, 120 miles (190 km) in 8 hours and 20 minutes while injured, is an important contribution to the fastest ride ever undertaken by Pony Express. The letter contained Lincoln's inaugural address. The Indian problem in 1860 caused the trip to break the record of Pony Bob Haslam. He has received a letter to the east (probably a May 10 letter from San Francisco) on Friday Station. When he arrived at Buckland's Station, his driver was so frightened over the Indian threat that he refused to receive the letter. Haslam agreed to send a letter to Smith's Creek for a total of 190 miles (310 km) without a break. After a nine-hour break, he retraced his route with a westward letter where, in Cold Springs, he discovered that Indians had invaded the place, killed station guards and ran from all stock. On the way, he was shot through the jaw with an Indian arrow, missing three teeth. Eventually, he reached Buckland's Station, making the longest 380 miles (610 km) journey on record.
Pony Bob continued to work as a rider for Wells Fargo and the Company after the Civil War, hunting down the US Army until the age of fifties, and then accompanying his good friend, Buffalo Bill Cody, on a diplomatic mission to negotiate the handover of Head of Sitting Bull in December 1890. out of public attention but eventually died in Chicago during the winter of 1912 (age 72) in deep poverty after suffering a stroke. Buffalo Bill pays for his friend's headstone at Mount Greenwood Cemetery (111th Street and Sacramento) on the far south side of Chicago.
Jack Keetley
Jack Keetley was hired by A. E. Lewis for his Division at the age of nineteen, and fled from Marysville to Big Sandy. He was one of those who rode the Pony Express for the entire nineteen months of his existence.
Jack Keetley's longest journey, where he again doubled for another rider, ended up in Seneca where he was taken from the sound of a sleeping saddle. He has traveled 340 miles (550 km) in thirty-one hours without stopping to rest or eat. After Pony Express was dissolved, Keetley went to Salt Lake City where he was involved in mining. He died there on October 12, 1912 where he was also buried.
In 1907, Keetley wrote the following letter (quote):
Alex Carlyle was the first to ride the Pony Express out of St. Joe. She is the nephew of the stage line supervisor to Denver, called "Pike's Peak Express." His supervisor's name is Ben Ficklin. Carlyle was a consumptive, and could not stand the difficulty, and retired after about two months of probation, and died within about six months of his retirement. John Frye is the second rider, and I'm the third, and Gus Cliff is the fourth.
I travel the longest without stopping, just to change horses. It's said 300 miles and done a few minutes in twenty-four hours. I do not guarantee for the right distance, because I only have it from the division superintendent, AE Lewis, who says that the distance given is taken by his English roadometer attached to the buggy front wheel that he uses to travel over the distribution with, and which of St. Joe to Fort Kearney.
Billy Tate
Billy Tate is a 14-year-old Pony Express rider driving an express lane in Nevada near the Ruby Valley. During the Paiute rebellion of 1860 he was pursued by a group of Paiute Indians who were riding horses and forced to retreat to the hills behind the large rocks where he killed seven of his attackers in a shootout before committing suicide. His body was found full of arrows but not skinned, a sign that the Paiutes respected their enemies.
At the west end of the Pony Express route in California, W.W. Finney bought 100 short-term joint stocks called "California Horses" 'while A.B. Miller bought over 200 original horses in and around the Great Salt Lake Valley. The horses were driven quickly between stations, an average distance of 15 miles (24 km), and then a relief and a fresh horse would be exchanged for a horse that had just arrived from a heavy journey.
During the 80-100 mile journey (130-160 km), the Pony Express rider will change the horse 8 to 10 times. The horses are driven by sprinting, canter or racing, about 10 to 15 miles per hour (16 to 24 km/h) and sometimes they are driven to race at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour (40 km/h). Pony Express horses are purchased in Missouri, Iowa, California, and several western US regions.
Different types of horses are ridden by Pony Express riders including Morgans and horses are often used on the eastern end of the trail. Mustang is often used at the western end of the mail route.
In 1844, years before Pony Express came to St. Joseph, Israel Landis opened a saddle shop and a small outfit there. Its business evolves as the city grows, and when Pony Express comes to Landis town is the ideal candidate to manufacture a saddle for the newly established Pony Express. Since Pony Express riders ride their horses at speeds of more than 10 miles (16 km) or more between stations, every consideration is made to reduce the overall weight that the horse has to carry. To help reduce this burden, special light saddles are designed and manufactured. Using fewer skins and fewer metal and wood components, they made similar saddles in designs with regular saddles commonly used in the West at the time.
The mailing bag is a separate component for saddles that make Pony Express unique. The standard mailing bags for horses are never used because of their size and shape, as it takes time to remove and install it from one saddle to another, causing an undue delay in changing the mount. With many stops, the time delayed at each station will accumulate to a considerable proportion. To overcome this difficulty, a mochila, or leather cover, is thrown over the saddle. The saddle and cantle horns are projected through special holes cut to size in mochila. Attached to the broad leather skirt of the mochila are four cantinas, or hard box-shaped leather compartments, where the letters are taken on the way.
During a short time in operation, Pony Express sends about 35,000 letters between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. Although Pony Express proves that the central/northern postal route is viable, Russell, Major and Waddell are not getting a contract to send mail through the route. The contract was instead awarded to Jeremy Dehut in March 1861, which had taken over the favored Southern Passion Line Butterfield Congress. The so-called 'Stagecoach King', Ben Holladay, acquired Russell, Major and Waddell stations for his stagecoaches.
Shortly after the contract was awarded, the start of the American Civil War caused the stage to stop operating. From March 1861, Pony Express only sent letters between Salt Lake City and Sacramento. Pony Express announced the closure on October 26, 1861, two days after the transcontinental telegraph reached Salt Lake City and connected Omaha, Nebraska, and Sacramento, California. Other telegraph lines connect points along the lines and other cities on the east and west coasts.
Despite the subsidies, Pony Express is a financial failure. It raked in $ 90,000 and lost $ 200,000.
In 1866, after the Civil War ended, Holladay sold Pony Express assets along with the remains of Butterfield Stage to Wells Fargo for $ 1.5 million.
In 1869, the United States Post Office issued the first US Post stamp to describe actual historical events, and the subject chosen was Pony Express. Until then only the faces of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are found in front of US Postage. Sometimes mistaken for the actual stamp used by Pony Express, the problem of 'Pony Express Stamp' was released in 1869 (8 years after the Pony Express service ended) in honor of people who drive long and sometimes dangerous trips and to commemorate the service which they give to the nation. In 1940 and 1960 the warning stamps were issued for the 80th and 100th anniversaries of the Pony Express respectively.
The National Pony Express Association (NPEA) is a non-profit history organization led by volunteers. The goal is to maintain the original Pony Express trail and continue the memory and importance of Pony Express in American history in partnership with the National Park Service, the Pony Express Trail Association, and the Oregon-California Trails Association.
April 3, 2010 is the 150th anniversary of Pony Express. Located in St. Joseph, Missouri, the Patee House Museum, which is the headquarters of Pony Express, hosts anniversary events.
Historical research
The basis of Pony Express's accountable history lies in several real areas where notes, papers, letters and letters have produced the most historical evidence. Until the 1950s, much of what was known about the short-lived Pony Express was the product of multiple accounts, rumors and folklore, generally true in their whole aspect, but lacking in verification in many areas for those who wanted to explore history surrounding. founders, various riders and station guards or who are interested in stations or Forts along the Pony Express route.
The complete book on Pony Express is The Story of the Pony Express and Saddles and Spurs by Raymond & amp; Mary Settle and Roy Bloss. Settle's account is unique because he is the first author and history researcher to utilize the founding documents of Pony Express William B. Waddell, now in a collection at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. Mr. Settle wrote in the mid-1950s. Mr. Bloss is the author for Centennial Pony Express. Although Settle's work is generally published without annotations and notes, the author's background here is unique and Settle has an excellent bibliography. When Settle prepares to publish his well-researched account, he has a good footnote volume, the quotation is prepared, but the editor chooses not to use most of them. Instead, they choose a cheaper approach to printing and publishing and releasing accounts that are accurate, but simplified. Settle is unhappy with this new and sudden development, because he spends a lot of time and effort in annotations. However, the Settle account is and is the definitive one and is considered the best account of Pony Express history among many historians.
Wells Fargo uses the Pony Express logo for its guard service and armored car. The logo continued to be used when another company took over the security business in the 1990s. Since 2001, the Pony Express logo is no longer used for the security business because the business has been sold.
In June 2006, the United States Postal Service announced it had trademarked "Pony Express" along with "Air Mail."
The Pony Express route was designated as Pony Express National Historic Trail August 3, 1992 by an act of Congress. The public can take an automatic tour of routes, visit interpretation sites and museums, hike, bike riding, or horse riding various road segments.
In popular culture
The continued memories and popularity of Pony Express can be attributed to Buffalo Bill Cody, his autobiography, and his Wild West Show. The first book dedicated entirely to Pony Express was not published until 1900. However, in his first autobiography, published in 1879, Cody claimed to have become an Express racer. Although this claim was recently disputed, his show became "the main guard of horse legend" when it aired as a scene on the Wild West Show.
- The Pony Express (1925)
- Frontier Pony Express (1939)
- Pony Post (1940)
- Plainsman and Lady (1946)
- Pony Express (1953)
- Last of the Pony Riders (1953)
- The Pony Express Rider (1976)
- Days of the Pony Express (2008)
- Spirit of the Pony Express (2012)
The Range Rider (1951-1953) season 1 episode "The Last of the Pony Express"See also
- Joseph Alfred Slade
- ÃÆ' â € "rtÃÆ'¶ÃÆ'¶
- Pony Express Museum
- Pony Express mochila
- Postage and history of the United States post
- The Kingdom Road
- The Postman
- Pony Express (movies)
Further reading
External links
- The Pony Express Spirit (Documentary)
- Pony Express National Historic Trail (National Park Service)
- Pony Express National Historic Trail
- "Inventory of Waddell F. Smith Papers, 1939-1976". Online Archive of California.
- Hartnagle, Ernie & amp; Hartnagle, Elaine. "The Right Identity of Billy Richardson, Pony Express Rider". Archived from the original on May 9, 2008.
- "Hollenberg Pony Express Station".
- The Real Story of Billy Tate Pony Express Rider Who died at the age of 14
- Visit AS
Source of the article : Wikipedia