Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Slow Loris Conservation in Vietnam - YouTube

Loris is a prime strepsirrhine night in the genus Nycticebus that lives in the rain forests of South and Southeast Asia. They are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation from deforestation, selective logging, and slash-and-burn farming, as well as by collection and hunting for wildlife trade, including exotic pets trade, and for use in traditional medicine and as wild animals. Due to this and other threats, the five litter species are listed as "Vulnerable" or "Endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Their conservation status was originally listed as a "Least Concern" in 2000 due to an improper population survey and the frequency at which these primates were found in the animal market. Due to their rapidly declining population and local extinction, their status was renewed and in 2007 the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) raised them to Appendix I, which banned international commercial trade. Local laws also protect lorises from hunting and trafficking, but law enforcement is lacking in most areas.

Traditional beliefs about lemurs have been part of Southeast Asian folklore for at least several hundred years. Their remains are buried under houses and roads to bring good luck, and every part of their body is used in traditional medicine to make products ranging from love potions to unproven drugs to cancer, leprosy, epilepsy, and sexually transmitted diseases. The main users of this traditional medicine are urban, middle-aged women who are reluctant to consider alternatives.

Despite the poor pets being difficult to care for, with dangerous toxic bites and sleeping cycles that are opposed to humans, large numbers of lorises are traded as domestic, local and international pets. Although it is illegal to import lorises for commercial sale, they are exotic pets that are popular in their home regions, Japan and parts of Europe. This is primarily because of their "cute" appearance, popularized in the highly watched YouTube video, partly due to their big eyes, adaptation to the nocturnal lifestyle. Hundreds of lemurs have been confiscated at the airport, but because they are easy to hide, these numbers may be just a fraction of the total amount traded. Traders cut or drew lemongrass to make them look like pets suitable for young children, but this practice often causes extreme blood loss, infection, and death. Lorises that lack their teeth will not be able to take care of themselves and therefore not reintroduced into the wild. The most squirrel flocks in pet trade also receive improper care and die of malnutrition, stress, or infection. Despite this, demand has increased, and the loris is no longer being caught opportunistically, but is now hunted on a commercial scale using a flashlight, from which the animal does not escape.

Linked protected areas are important for loris conservation because these primates are not adapted for long-distance travel on land. Training for law enforcement officers helps improve the identification and awareness of their legal protection. Sanctuaries and rescue facilities are available to provide temporary and lifelong care for confiscated lorises. Zoo populations of some species have not developed much and have grown too old to reproduce, although the dwarf lemur is fine in some facilities, such as the San Diego Zoo.

Video Conservation of slow lorises

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The lemurs (genus Nycticebus ) are primates belonging to the Strepsirrhini suborder. They are found throughout South and Southeast Asia and surrounding islands, and live in the canopy of tropical rainforests. They are active at night, sleeping during the day curled up in branches of trees. Slow loris is a slow and deliberate and seldom come to the ground. They have round faces, wool fur, black stripes on their backs, and a tail that is reduced to a stump. Their head and torso ranged from 18 to 38 cm (7.1 to 15.0 inches). Their hands and feet are strong and clever to capture for long periods of time. Loris either solitary or live in pairs; men are territorial and mark their territory with urine. Their diet consists of mollusks, small vertebrates, and fruit.

Slow lorises can produce secretions in their brachial glands (glands in their arms) which, when mixed with saliva, create a poisonous, vaporous poison that can, if necessary, be delivered in the bite of an aggressor. Bites cause painful and slow swelling to heal; toxin is mild and not usually fatal, although anaphylactic reactions may occur.

Five species are currently recognized. The Java loris ( N. javanicus) comes from the Indonesian island of Java, while the Borneo loris ( N. menagensis ) can be found in Borneo and nearby islands, including the Sulu Islands in Philippines. The Sundal loris is found on the Indonesian island of Sumatra as well as Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. The other two species are found entirely on land, with the Bengal loris ( N.Ã, bengalensis ) originating from Bangladesh, Cambodia, southern China, Northeast India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam and slow lorises pygmy dwarfs ( N. pygmaeus ) are found in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and southern China.

Maps Conservation of slow lorises

Threats in the wild

Slow lorises are threatened by deforestation and wildlife trade, which includes exotic pets, traditional medicines, and wild animal flesh. Other threats include road construction, selective logging, and slash and burn farming. Fragmentation of habitats precludes the biological spread for this species that depends on vines and lianas to move from tree to tree. As a result, lemurs are found dead in the power grid or become victims of roadkill in areas where roads cut between forest patches.

All species are listed as "Vulnerable" or "Endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Populations are rapidly declining, and their distribution becomes patchy due to local extinctions across their reach. Although all species are protected by law in every country where they occur, conservation efforts are hindered by a lack of public awareness, as many local villagers and remote buyers of captive specimens are unaware of their endangered status. Recognition and awareness of lemurs is even low among park staff. In places like Vietnam, where these nocturnal primates are commonly found, most local villagers are not familiar with them when shown photographs. Only a few older hunters recognize them, but show that they have not seen them in more than 10 or 15 years.

Traditionally, the lemurs are considered to be composed of very few species and are considered common in Southeast Asia. These assumptions are due to their nocturnal behavior and high frequency of occurrences in animal markets throughout the region. Furthermore, researchers from the 20th and earlier centuries perpetuated the idea that slow lorises are common by reporting them as present or absent rather than having no low population density in their field research. As a result, slow lorises were studied, resulting in an early conservation rating of "Risk/Lack" conservation status on the IUCN Red List (version 2.3) in 2000. Even in the mid-2000s, population estimates were based solely on small surveys.

In 2009, primatologist James Thorn used environment niche modeling in Indonesia to supplement the data of the poor population collected to date to predict the remaining habitats available to loris on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. This estimate indicates that the Java loris is the most threatened by habitat loss, followed by the Sundal loris from Sumatra. The Borneo loris is in a better situation because many of its territories consist of low-risk areas. Both Bengal and Bengal dwarfs are found in more than 20 protected areas, although the population is low or insufficiently recorded.

In Indonesia, logging and clearing land for agriculture triggered major forest fires, first between 1982 and 1983 when 27,000 km 2 (10,000 sq mi) were burned in Kalimantan, and then again between 1997 and 1998 when 23,750 km 2 (9,170Ã, sqÃ, mi) were burned in Kalimantan and Sumatra. These fires occur within the original litter population range.

Although habitat loss has been significant across the range of lemurs, their decline is most closely related to unsustainable trade, whether for exotic pets or for traditional medicine. Slow lorises are on the market and include the most commonly sold primates. Slow lorises are easy to catch because they do not jump from tree to tree, often freeze and cover their faces when seen. (For this reason, Indonesians call them shy or "shy".) They are hunted not only by expert hunters, but also easily captured by opportunistic populations because of the financial rewards they bring in the market.

Husbandry manual for Asian Lorisines - reproduction

Tradition and beliefs that affect conservation

Traditional beliefs and uses for lemurs vary, and many practices seem to have deep roots for at least 300 years. Oral tradition suggests these practices further. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was reported that people from inland Borneo believed that the slow loris was the goalkeeper for the sky and that everyone had a personal lemur waiting for them in the afterlife. More often, however, lemurs are used in traditional medicine or to ward off evil.

In Mondulkiri Province of Cambodia, hunters believe that the lemurs can heal their broken bones soon after falling from the branches to climb back the trees, and the lemurs have the power of medicine because they need more than one blow with a stick to die. Hunters also believe that seeing the lemurs will bring bad luck on a hunting trip. In the province of North Sumatra, the loris is considered to bring good luck if buried under the foundation of the house. Similarly, villagers who are concerned about traffic safety may bury the lemurs under way to prevent accidents. In Java, it is suspected that putting a piece of his skull in a water jar will make a husband more docile and obedient, like a lemur during the day. Also, the parts of his body are used to place the curse on the enemy in North Sumatra. Recently, researchers have documented the belief that the consumption of slow loris is an aphrodisiac that increases "male power." The gallbladder of the Bengal loris has historically been used to make ink for tattoos by village elders in Pursat and Koh Kong Provinces of Cambodia.

Help conservation groups save the slow loris this summer

Legal protection

Slack trades, whether as pets or medicines, are illegal because every country in which they occur naturally has laws that protect them. Cambodia listed it as protected, with a one-month prison term and $ 2,50 to US $ 250 penalties in 2010 for anyone who captures, hunts, poisoned, or transported it. In Indonesia, loris trade has been illegal since 1973, when the Ministry of Agriculture issued a Decree no. 66. This regulation was clarified in 1999 by Government Regulation no. 7 ("Flora and Wild Fauna Protection") and Law no..., 5 ("Biodiversity Conservation"). Offenders are subject to five years in jail and a fine of 100 million rupiah (~ US $ 10,000 ).

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora (CITES) first records two species of lemurs known under Appendix II on January 7, 1975. All newly identified species were covered by Appendix II on 2 April 1977 when all primates were given either Annex I or Annex II of protection. Appendix II requires only export licenses for international trade, as long as trade will not negatively affect the survival of wild populations. Most of the slow loris trade is illegal and usually involves smuggling to Japan. The lack of legal trading reported to the CITES Secretariat is shown in the CITES trading database, where minimal trade by CITES Parties has been reported until 2007. Regardless, the lemurs remain vulnerable to international trade under Appendix II, and rampant in Southeast Asia. trading is another reason to worry. As a result, Cambodia proposes that loris be increased to Appendix I, which prohibits species traded internationally for commercial purposes and requires import and export licenses for certain types of non-commercial trade, such as scientific research. This proposal includes the three recognized species at the time - the Sundal loris, the Bengal loris, and the lemur-because they are traditionally managed collectively because of a lack of knowledge about how to distinguish them.

Prior to the CITES conference in which voting will be taken on the proposal, support for the proposed changes in status appears to be limited due to the small amount of legitimate trade being reported. In April 2007, ProFauna Indonesia's nonprofit conservation group attracted news coverage with demonstrations held in Malang, Java. Demonstrations - calls for increased protection for slow lorises - involve members of organizations suspending themselves from bridges holding banners that read " Stop lemurs " ("Stop lorises") and " "(" Do not buy lemurs "). From the beginning to mid-June, the 14th CITES Conference of Parties (CITES COP-14) was held in The Hague, The Netherlands. On June 8, Cambodia presented a joint proposal with their reasons. Indonesia followed by announcing their support, along with Japan, India, Laos, Thailand, the United States, the European Union, Qatar, and many non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Although the proposal was adopted by consensus, some conservation groups objected on the grounds that rational analysis was seized by sentiment.

Although there is additional protection of the status of Appendix I CITES, wild savants still receive poor protection because enforcement of international trade restrictions is difficult and punishment is small. Slow lorises are still found in large quantities in animal markets, especially in Cambodia and Indonesia, but traders do not show any concerns because they are caught. During the study by Nekaris et al. published in 2010, vendors in Medan, Jakarta, and Surabaya spoke freely to researchers about how they got the lemurs, their use in medicines, prices, and sales figures. The market is not hidden, but is opened daily in the designated area of ​​the city. Even law enforcement is involved in trade, with park and park guards recognizing loris purchases for medicinal purposes. The wife of another law enforcement officer from the Province of Mondulkiri in Cambodia is one of the best known sellers of the laureate.

Slow Loris Conservation â€

Wildlife trade

Humans have been hunting mammals in Asia for at least 40,000 years, but to date, slow lorises are only hunted at a sustainable level. However, hunting pressure since the 1960s has become increasingly unsustainable, leading to over-exploitation, as demand increases, supply declines, and subsequent increased value of marketed wildlife. In 1985, large wildlife markets began to emerge in Phnom Penh and Monoromic Sen, Cambodia, followed rapidly by the development of hunter networks, traders and intermediaries. Bright flashes make slow lizards easier at night due to their eye shadows, and in the 1990s, massive commercial logging slow lorises began as increased batteries for spotlights became available.

The drive to catch wildlife, and especially the slow loris, is increasingly dominated by demand from rich urban areas, replacing the traditional subsistence hunting done in poor rural areas. In the case of long-lived primates, such as lemurs, the population fills slowly. Slow lorises are very vulnerable because they tend to freeze when seen. Finally, increased access to new technologies, such as increased transport, weapons, wire meshes, and spotlights, has facilitated hunting and encouraging extraction rates beyond sustainability. These new factors threaten the survival of slow lorises.

Opportunistic hunt slurry loris has become a traditional practice, for example, when trees where live primates are cleared. When the forest is opened to make oil palm plantations (ElyaisÃ, guineensis) or for housing, slow lorises are collected from trees and then sold to "slow lorises", which then sell them in the cities. Wood traders in Kalimantan and Aceh also sell lemurs to traders, and since primates depend on branches rather than escape, they are often transported hundreds of miles on the branches of the original tree they occupy.

Demand from middlemen and special animal trade mafias has increased the profitability of hunting lemurs and encouraging many hunters to capture whatever they find by climbing or shaking trees. In the province of Mondulkiri in Cambodia, the loris is shaken from a tree and then beaten to death with a stick. In Indonesia, the lemurs are worth more lives, so hunters climb trees to reach them and place V-shaped sticks around their necks to paralyze them. If the lemurs are found with babies, parents are often killed.

Intermediaries buy as many as 30 lorises from rural hunters in large areas, and then sell them in big city markets for 300,000 to 500,000 rupiah ( US $ 32 to US $ 54 ) each. Western tourists and expats pay as much as 1,000,000 rupiah ( US $ 108 ). Traders have reported to researchers that they have trouble keeping up with demand, and one trader claims to have sold nearly 1,200 stunted cauliflowers during 2001-2002. Hundreds of lemurs are sold domestically every year in Indonesia in open animal markets (or "bird markets"), as well as in shopping centers. Loris is the most protected primate sold in these markets. Direct trade is the most common, with only 13.6% of the lemurs being traded for spare parts. In Phnom Penh, Cambodia during the 1990s, observers counted up to 204 lorises for sale in one shop; in 2007 a market in Mondulkiri Province featured 30 dry specimens. A total of 234 lorises were seized by the Forestry Administration-Wildlife Alliance between 2002 and 2006. In Indonesia, nearly 6,000 to 7,000 lemurs are traded domestically each year from 2000 to 2006. For international trade, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand are the largest exporters, with exports declined for all species except the pygmy lemurs from 1998 to 2007 (compared to 1978-1997).

Traditional medicine

Slow lorises are commonly used in traditional medicine throughout their geographical range, a practice that has been reported since at least 1900. Thousands of slow lorises are caught annually for such use. Many human factors are driving the livestock trade, including social customs, economic factors, and traditional belief systems.

In Cambodia, a tradition rooted in Bengal and lemurs in traditional medicine is widespread, and the dwarf lemur is the most commonly requested animal in a traditional drugstore in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. Some people in the country believe the dry loris can cure cancer. Kukang is also smoked for other traditional treatments. Traditional Khmer medication practitioners in the region claim that medicines made from lemurs can cure 100 diseases, with some practitioners from the National Center for Traditional Medicine reporting that slow lorises are sometimes roasted alive under the assumption that this increases the potential of the drug. Slow lorises are also burned alive, causing their eyes to explode and releasing a liquid called loris oil (or lemur oil), which is used in black magic and traditional medicine and should have a life-giving quality. and act as a love potion.

In the case of the Bengal loris, every part - including brain, urine, and skin - is used in traditional medicine to heal wounds and rheumatism. With the Sundalese loris, people trade their skins, legs, skeletons, and skulls. Feathers are reported to heal wounds, flesh to heal epilepsy, eyes used in love potions, and meat reported to cure asthma and stomach problems. The pygmy steamed lizard is especially valued for using the medicine from his hair, but is also used to make monkey bone glue, a drug mostly used by locals, but sometimes sold to visitors. In general, wearing bone loris is considered good luck and meat is sometimes considered to cure leprosy.

The main buyers of medicines made from lemurs are upper middle-aged women between the ages of 25 and 45 years who mainly use loris tonic rice wine to reduce the pain of childbirth. A bottle of wine is made by mixing rice wine with the carcass of three dead animals. Cambodia's minority groups also use loris-based drugs to treat broken bones, asthma, and sexually transmitted diseases. A survey by primatologist Anna Nekaris et al . (2010) show that this belief system is so strong that the majority of respondents expressed a reluctance to consider alternatives to lizard-based medicines.

In 1993, 200 dead loris were found to be dissected and stretched on a stick in the Phnom Penh market. In another shop, 150 dead lemurs are found in two boxes. It shows hunting on a commercial scale, which has a dramatic effect on the local population. At that time, this dry loris sells for US $ 4.25 . However, prices doubled between 1997 and 2007 and continued to rise. Most of the vendors (80%) surveyed in 2010 attributed price increases to lower lorises and increased law enforcement.

Pet trade

Slow lorises are sold locally in the street market, but are also sold internationally through the Internet and at pet stores. They are very popular or trendy in Japan, especially among women. The reason for their popularity, according to the Japan Wildlife Conservation Society (JWCS), is that "they are easy to maintain, they do not cry, they are small, and very cute." Together with the common squirrel monkey ( SaimiriÃ, sciureus ), the lemurs are the most popular primate animals in Japan. Pet shops often advertise them, even on their websites, for prices ranging from US $ 1,500 and over US $ 5,000 , or Ã, Â ¥ 450,000 . Despite these frequent advertisements, the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) reported only a few dozen lorises were imported in 2006, indicating frequent smuggling. Slow lorises are also smuggled to China, Taiwan, Europe and Saudi Arabia for use as pets. Smuggling and trading in Poland and Russia are also prevalent according to Nekaris.

Due to their "cuteness", viral videos from the livestock are some of the most watched animal videos on YouTube. In March 2011, a newly crafted lemur video holding a cocktail umbrella has been seen over two million times, while older videos of the tickled loris have been seen over six million times. At the time, most viewers were unaware that the lemurs trade was illegal or that the benign behavior of animals in the video was a passive defensive reaction to cope with stress. For example, according to Nekaris, the lemurs with umbrellas - who suffered head wounds - were disorienting in the video by a bright light and holding an umbrella like that would be a piece of bamboo from its natural habitat. Nekaris requested that YouTube remove the video, but the UK-based newspaper, The Independent , reported that YouTube declined to comment on the slow loris video. While YouTube now has a means for viewers to flag videos involving animal cruelty, pornography, and weapons or drugs, YouTube has no means of flagging videos involving illegally traded animals. The 'tickling lemurs' video was finally removed in February 2012, having received over 9 million views and generating over 12,000 comments (though the copies were then re-posted). During the video period two significant events related to the conservation of the lemur are significant, posting in March 2011 this Wikipedia article and the January 2012 show of BBC television production entitled Jungle Gremlins of Java ; both events are associated with a surge in video views, and are often mentioned in comments made during the period (3.2% and 13.3% respectively). Celebrity support stimulates video views without providing conservation awareness raising. Over time, the proportion of comments that indicate a desire to have lemurs as pets remains high but tends to decline, while the proportion of comments that indicate awareness of legal status and livestock conservation increases after conservation related events but does not follow long-term trends. The abolition of the video was followed shortly after the BBC documentary, which dramatized the exploitation of lemurs for pet trade.

In their home country, lemurs are very popular exotic pets. Indonesian species are mostly sold as pets, despite the myths about their magical and curative nature. They are seen as "live toys" for children by local people or purchased out of pity (to save animals) by Western tourists or expatriates. Both local and foreign buyers usually do not know anything about these primates, their endangered status, or that the trade is illegal. During the late 2000s, the Sundanese loris was regularly sold throughout the Medan bird market in North Sumatra. According to a monthly survey of 59 and interviews with local merchants, nearly a thousand c of local exchanged lorises are traded on the market. During the survey, between 15 and 45 slow lorises were seen around the market.

International trade usually results in high mortality rates during transit, between 30% and 90%. Slow lorises also experience many health problems as a result of local and international trade. To give the impression that primates are pets that are benign and appropriate for children, to protect people from their potentially poisonous bites, or to deceive buyers into thinking that the animals are babies, animal traders pull front teeth with pliers or wire cutters or they are cut with a nail cutter. This causes severe bleeding, which sometimes causes shock or death, and often causes dental infections, which are fatal in 90% of all cases. Without their teeth, animals are no longer able to keep themselves in the wild, and must remain in captivity for life. Slow lorises found in animal markets are usually lean and malnourished, and have dyed feathers, complicating species identification at rescue centers. As many as 95% of the lemurs that were saved from the market died from dental infections or improper treatment.

As part of the trade, babies are pulled prematurely from their parents, making them unable to excrete their own urine, oily, and oily skin secretions. Lorises have special tissue of blood vessels in their hands and feet, which makes them vulnerable to injuries when pulled from their stored wire enclosure. Loris is also very sensitive to stress and is not good in captivity. Infections, stress, pneumonia, and malnutrition cause a high mortality rate among the slow lorises. The wild lemur diet is poorly understood. Signs of inappropriate diet in captivity include tooth decay, diabetes, obesity, and kidney failure. Pet owners also fail to provide proper care because they often sleep when nocturnal animals are usually awake.

International trade and smuggling

One of the first cases of smuggling lemurs is documented by the International Primate Protection League (IPPL) in November 1974. The California Department of Fish and Games in San Francisco found 15 lemurs in a bag labeled "cobra spit" in a shipment from Thailand that also contained snakes, turtles , and beavers. Due to errors and inconsistencies in the order, it is unclear whether the wildlife companies that receive are fraudulent targets or whether it is trying to hide delivery.

Since the late 1990s, both the high demand and high prices generated have encouraged smuggling of lorises into Japan. Although pet store employees claim that their loris is under captivity, advertisements on pet shop websites indicate that their stock is from Java, Sumatra, or China. Newcomers to the store also vary in size and age, which further has led JWCS to suspect the loris is illegally imported. Official trade slow lorises before CITES Appendix I (from 1998 to 2006) is limited to only ten slow lorises from Malaysia and Myanmar. A review of 24 surveys covering wildlife trade between 1990 and 2006 showed that 228 slow lorises were known to have been illegally traded annually and came from Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Laos. The main trading centers are Jakarta, Medan, Singapore, and Bangkok. Many illegal trading routes for each species are also documented prior to the 2007 CITES vote on the scope of Annex I in the publication Notice to the Party .

A report in 2010 by Nekaris et al . reported that Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand are the main exporters of slow lorises, with Singapore and Malaysia also involved. China and Indonesia are also known for international trade, although their local trade is more significant. Lorises are usually exported from Thailand and Cambodia, but Malaysia and Singapore mainly export live animals. The most important importers are Japan, followed by the United States and then the European Union. More than half of the 400 illegal imports are live animals (238), while the rest are body parts (122) or non-specific (40).

In Japan alone, 39 foreclosures including 363 live animals were made between 1998 and 2006, with 2006 being the peak year. During the same time period, Thai, Indonesian and Singapore officials found 358 lemurs intended for Japan. Details of some foreclosures from smuggling efforts between Thailand and Japan have been reported by the IPPL, including one event on May 2, 2007, in which 40 slow lorises were confiscated at Narita Airport just a month before the CITES conference raising livestock status to Appendix I. Twelve of the animals it's dead. Unusual death, with 76% mortality rate for all confiscated species of lemurs, many died before being transferred to the zoo. JWCS suspects that high mortality rates among smuggled lemurs cause traders to smuggle lemurs more slowly than is needed to supply the market.

In Japan, enforcement is not considered very strict because only 23% of smugglers (9 out of 39 cases) were formally indicted between 1998 and 2006. In contrast, most only received fines. Based on a report taken from Kyodo News, the JWCS concluded that the chief Customs officials' concern is the prevention of infectious diseases, such as Ebola. Slow lorises are sometimes mixed with other restricted trade species, such as reptiles, and because foreclosures target high-profile species, it is possible that the international smuggling rate is "just the tip of the iceberg." Making detection even more difficult, the lemurs can be easily hidden in the suitcase because they tend to instinctively curl up and remain silent when surprised.

File:Slow loris - dried 01.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

Conservation efforts

Surveys are needed to determine the population density and feasibility of the existing habitat for all types of lemurs. Connectivity between protected areas is important for slow lorises because they are not adapted for spreading in soils over long distances. For successful reintroduction, connectivity between sites with low population densities is considered ideal. The expansion of protected areas is also needed in Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra.

Although included in CITES Appendix I protection and protected by local conservation laws, lemurs are still threatened by local and international trade due to law enforcement issues. The ongoing illegal wildlife trade has seriously jeopardized the future success and future of the US $ 310 million investment plan by the World Bank for East and Southeast Asia's biodiversity. In 2008, training workshops for law enforcement officers and rescue center personnel were held in Singapore to help teach livestock identification, conservation status, and livestock. Pre-training surveys showed that 87% of trainees were unable to identify loris species, but the one-day workshop had a significant impact.

Rehabilitation is available for some confiscated lemurs. Organizations such as the International Animal Rescue (IAR) run sanctuaries that offer lifelong care to lemurs that have uprooted their teeth, while also providing educational programs and awareness to local communities to help end domestic trade. By collaborating with the authorities, a healthy lemur is released back into the wild. However, identification is very important because the authorities still manage all the lemurs as if they are from one species, so the species is released to the wrong location and increases the confusion in taxonomy and conservation.

The population of loris species, such as Bengal and Sunda slow loris, is not good at the zoo. In 2011, the International Species Information System (ISIS) has only 11 and 53 specimens (one each) on file from zoo reporting worldwide. In North American zoos, for example, some of the 29 captured specimens in 2008 are hybrids that can not reproduce while most pass through their reproductive years, and last born in 2001 at the San Diego Zoo. Only three slow lorises are kept at the zoo in 2011 according to ISIS. Slow lorises are better, with 100 specimens reported from zoos around the world in 2011. In North American zoos, for example, the population has grown to 74 animals between when they were imported in the late 1980s and 2008, with most of them born at the San Diego Zoo.

The San Diego Zoo has also written farm manuals for loris, raising public awareness, conducting field surveys, and supporting livestock rescue facilities. The Vietnamese postal service recognizes slow lorises on stamps using Bengal lorises and the baby was published by the San Diego Zoo in February 1999.

8 Javan slow lorises released into natural habitat - National ...

See also

  • Environmental issues in Indonesia

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Literature quoted

Hemsley Conservation Centre has pygmy slow loris, skunk and other ...

External links

  • Little face fire project Anna Nekaris: Saving lemurs through ecology, education & amp; empowerment - lemurs research and conservation
  • - Provides links related to Asian lemurs conservation and African pottos

Source of the article : Wikipedia
