Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

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Associated Press Staff Scolded for Tweeting Too Quickly About OWS ...

The Associated Press ( AP ) is a US-based nonprofit based in New York City. Founded in 1846, it operates as an association, an unrelated cooperative. The AP is owned by the newspaper and its radio and television stations in the United States, all of which contribute stories to the AP and use material written by staff journalists. The AP mission is to inform the world with accurate, fair, and unbiased reporting. The Values ​​and News Principles Statement specifies standards and practices.

The AP has received 52 Pulitzer Prizes, including 31 for photography, since the award was established in 1917.

The AP has counted votes in US elections since 1848, including national, state and local contests down to the legislative level in all 50 states, along with major ballot papers. The AP collects and verifies returns in every district, parish, city and city across the US, and announces winners in more than 5,000 contests.

AP news reports, shared to members and customers, are produced in English, Spanish and Arabic. AP content is also available in agency apps, AP News. A 2017 study by NewsWhip reveals that AP content is more involved with on Facebook than content from individual English publishers.

In 2016, news collected by AP was published and reissued by more than 1,300 newspapers and broadcasters. AP operates 263 news agencies in 106 countries. It also operates the AP Radio Network, which provides twice-daily newscasts for broadcast and satellite radio and television stations. Many newspapers and broadcasters outside the United States are AP customers, paying fees for using AP materials without the contribution of cooperative members. As part of their cooperation agreement with the AP, most members of news organizations give automatic permission to AP to distribute their local news reports. AP uses a reverse pyramid formula to write that allows news channels to edit stories to fit the available publicity area without losing the core of the story.

Reduction in rival United Press International in 1993 left the AP as the main news service of the United States, although UPI still produces and distributes stories and photos every day. Other English news services, such as the BBC, Reuters, and English-language services from Agence France-Presse, are based outside of the United States.

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The Associated Press was formed in May 1846 by five daily newspapers in New York City to share the cost of transmitting Mexican-American War news. The venture was organized by Moses Yale Beach (1800-68), the second publisher of The Sun , joining the New York Herald , New York Courier and Enquirer. , The Journal of Commerce , and New York Evening Express . Some historians believe that the Tribune is joining today; The New York Times became a member not long after its founding in September 1851. Originally known as the New York Associated Press (NYAP), the organization faced competition from the Western Associated Press ( 1862), who criticized his monopolistic gathering and news-gathering practices. The investigation, completed in 1892 by Victor Lawson, editor and publisher of Chicago Daily News, reveals that some of the principles of NYAP have signed a secret agreement with the United Press, a rival organization, to share the NYAP news and the profits of reselling it. The disclosure led to the collapse of NYAP and in December of 1892, the Western Associated Press was founded in Illinois as The Associated Press. The Decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois 1900 (Inter Media Publishing Co. v. Associated Press) - that the AP is a public utility and operates in trade restraints - resulted in the movement of AP from Chicago to New York City, where more corporate law profitable for cooperatives.

When AP is established, news becomes a commodity that can be sold. The invention of the rotary press allowed the New York Tribune in the 1870s to print 18,000 papers per hour. During the Civil War and Spanish-American War, there were new incentives to print live reports on the spot. Melville Stone, who founded Chicago Daily News in 1875, served as General Manager of AP from 1893 to 1921. He embraced standards of accuracy, impartiality, and integrity. Cooperatives grew rapidly under the leadership of Kent Cooper (served 1925-48), which built bureau staff in South America, Europe, and (after World War II), the Middle East. He introduced the "telegraph typewriter" or teletypewriter into the newsroom in 1914. In 1935, the AP launched the Wirephoto network, which allowed the delivery of news photos via a private phone line hired on the day they were taken. This gives the AP a huge advantage over other news media. While the first network is only between New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, the AP eventually has a network across the United States.

In 1945, the United States Supreme Court held at Associated Press v. United States that the AP violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by banning member newspapers from selling or giving news to nonmembers' organizations as well as making it very difficult for non-member newspapers to join the AP. The decision facilitated the growth of its main rival United Press International, led by Hugh Baillie from 1935 to 1955.

The AP entered the broadcasting field in 1941 when it began distributing news to radio stations; he created his own radio network in 1974. In 1994, he founded APTV, the global video imaging agency. APTV joined WorldWide Television News in 1998 to form APTN, which provides videos for broadcasters and international websites. In 2004, the AP moved its global headquarters from its old home at 50 Rockefeller Plaza to a large building on 450 West 33rd Street in Manhattan - which also houses New York Daily News and New York studio television stations general, WNET. In 2009, AP has more than 240 bureaus worldwide. Its mission - "to gather with the economy and efficiency of accurate and impartial news reports" - has not changed since it was founded, but digital technology has made news distribution AP reporting interactive efforts between AP and US 1.400. members of newspapers and also broadcasters, international customers, and online customers.

The AP began to diversify its news gathering capabilities and in 2007 the AP only generated about 30% of its revenues from US newspapers. 37% come from global broadcast subscribers, 15% from online business and 18% from international newspapers and from photography.

Web resources

The multi-topic structure of AP has resulted in web portals like Yahoo! and MSN post articles, often relying on AP as their first source for news coverage of the latest news. This and the constant renewal of the growing story requires having a profound impact on the public image and role of AP, giving new confidence to the ongoing mission of AP to have staff to cover every field of news in full and fast. The AP is also a news service used in the Wii News Channel. In 2007, Google announced that it was paying to receive Associated Press content, to be featured on Google News, although this was interrupted from late 2009 to mid-2010, due to a licensing dispute.

Maps Associated Press


  • 1849: The Port News Association opens the first news agency outside the United States in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to meet ships sailing from Europe before they arrive at the pier in New York.
  • 1876: Mark Kellogg, a journalist, is the first AP news correspondent to be killed while reporting the news, at the Battle of Little Bighorn.
  • 1893: Melville E. Stone became the reorganized general manager of the AP, a post he held until 1921. Under his leadership, AP grew to become one of the most prominent news agencies in the world.
  • 1899: AP uses wireless telegraph Guglielmo Marconi to cover yacht racing America off Sandy Hook, New Jersey, the first news test of new technology.
  • 1914: AP introduces the teleprinter, which is transmitted directly to the printer via a telegraph cable. Finally a worldwide network of 60-word per-minute teleprinter machines is built.
  • 1935: AP started WirePhoto, the world's first cable service for photos. The first photo transferred through the network described a plane crash in Morehouse, New York, on New Year's Day, 1935.
  • 1938: AP expands new office at 50 Rockefeller Plaza (known as "50 Rock") at the newly built Rockefeller Center in New York City, which will remain its 66-year headquarters.
  • 1941: AP expanded from print into radio broadcast news.
  • 1941: World Wide News Photo Service purchased from The New York Times .
  • 1945: AP war correspondent Joseph Morton was executed with nine OSS and four German state-owned agents by Germany in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Morton was the only Allied correspondent executed by the Poros during World War II. That same year, Paris AP bureau chief Edward Kennedy opposed Allied headquarters strike to report the Nazi surrender of Germany, touching a bitter episode that led to the eventual dismissal by AP. Kennedy declared that he was only reporting what the German radio had broadcast.
  • 1951: Prague bureau chief bureau of the bureau of William N. Oatis was arrested for espionage by the Czechoslovak Communist government. He was not released until 1953.
  • 1994: AP launches APTV, a global video news gathering agency, headquartered in London.
  • 2004: AP moved its headquarters from 50 Rock to 450 W. 33rd Street, New York City.
  • 2006: AP joined YouTube.
  • 2008: AP launches AP Mobile (originally known as AP Mobile News Network), a multimedia news portal that gives users news they can choose and provides access anytime to international, national and local news. The AP was the first to debut a special iPhone app in June 2008 onstage at the Apple WWDC event. The app offers news coverage, sports, entertainment, politics, and business, as well as content from more than 1,000 AP members and third-party AP sources themselves.
  • 2010: AP launches multi-device World Cup Soccer Applications that provide real-time news coverage of the 2010 World Cup on desktop, Apple and Android devices.
  • 2010: AP earnings fell 65% from 2008 to only $ 8.8 million. The AP also announced that it would book a $ 4.4 million loss if it did not liquidate its German news service for $ 13.2 million.
  • 2011: AP revenue fell $ 14.7 million in 2010. 2010 revenues totaled $ 631 million, down 7% from a year earlier. AP launches discounts designed to help newspapers and broadcasters tackle revenue declines.
  • 2012: Gary B. Pruitt replaces Tom Curley as president and CEO. Pruitt is the 13th AP leader in his 166-year history.
  • 2017: AP moves its headquarters to 200 Liberty Street, New York City.

Associated Press Hides Party Affiliation From Report On Anti ...

AP sports poll

AP is known for his poll on many sports colleges in the United States. The AP Top 25 poll is the longest running college soccer and basketball poll. The AP poll ranked 25th NCAA Division I (Football Bowl Subdivision and Football Championship Subdivision) college football and NCAA Division I male and female college basketball team is the most famous. AP compiled a poll by gathering and composing the top 25 votes from many designated sports journalists. Team rankings are determined by a points system based on how each voter ranked the best college basketball team. A team receives 25 points for every first place vote, 24 for second place and so on up to team 25, which receives one point. Ranking is set with a list of team total points from highest to lowest. The same mathematical formula is used for AP 25 soccer colleges and basketball polls, and for AP 32 Pro rankings for NFL teams. The college football AP poll is very important over the years as it helps determine team rankings at the end of the regular season for the College Bowl Championship Series until the AP, citing conflicts of interest, asking polls to be removed from the bowl series. Beginning in the 2005 season, Harris Interactive College Football Poll took the AP spot in the bowl series formula. The AP poll is the longest national poll serving in college football that had begun in 1936. But with the creation of BCS in 2006 and College Football Playoffs in 2014, the AP no longer plays a part in the National Champion selection.

Associated Press | Annual Report 2013

AP Sports Awards


The AP started the Major League Baseball Manager of the Year Award in 1959, for a manager in every league. From 1984 to 2000, awards were awarded to one manager in all MLBs. The winners are selected by the national panel of AP baseball authors and radio men. The award was discontinued in 2001.


Every year, AP releases the winning names of AP College of the Year Basketball Players and AP College Basketball Coach of the Year awards. It also respects a group of All-American players.


  • Best NFL AP Trainer of the Year
  • AP NFL Most Valuable Player
  • Best Offensive NFL Players of the Year
  • The Best NFL AP Defensive Player of the Year
  • AP NFL Offensive/Defensive Rookies of the Year
  • Player of AP NFL's Best AP of the Year

AP Explore: My Time with the Kings | Associated Press

Associated Press Television News

In 1994, the London-based Associated Press Television (APTV) was established to provide agency news material for television broadcasters. Other existing material providers were Reuters Television (formerly Visnews) and Worldwide Television News (WTN).

In 1998, the AP bought WTN and APTV left the Associated Press building in Central London and joined the WTN to create an Associated Press Television News (APTN) in the WTN building, now the APTN building in Camden Town.

The AP publishes 70,000 videos and 6,000 hours of live video per year, by 2016. The agency also provides four live video channels simultaneously. The AP was the first news agency to launch live video news services in 2003.

Associated Press: ​Legislation to provide dignified burials for ...

Litigation and controversy

Breach of contract and unjust competition

In November 2010, AP was sued by iCopyright for breach of contract and unfair competition. It accuses AP of launching tracking copyright registration built on the information and business intelligence that has been abused from iCopyright.

Christopher Newton

Washington bureau reporter, D.C. Christopher Newton, an AP journalist since 1994, was fired by the AP in September 2002 after he was accused of source since 2000, including at least 40 people and organizations. Prior to his dismissal, Newton had focused on writing on the provisional federal law enforcement that was based in the Department of Justice. Some agents are not quoted in their stories including "Education Alliance", "Chicago Crime and Punishment", "Voice for Persons with Disabilities," and "People for Civil Rights".

Fair use controversy

In June 2008, the AP sent many DMCA demands and threatened legal action against several blogs. The AP believes that Internet blogs infringe copyright AP by linking to AP material and using headlines and a brief summary of the links. Many bloggers and experts note that AP news usage falls just under generally accepted internet practices and in fair usage standards. Others note and show that APs routinely take similar citations from other sources, often without attribution or license. The AP responds that it defines the standard regarding AP news quotes.

Copyright and intellectual property

In August 2005, Ken Knight, a Louisiana photographer, sued the AP claiming that he had deliberately and negligently infringed Knight's copyright by distributing celebrity photos of Britney Spears to various media including, but not limited to: truTV (formerly CourtTV), American News Online and Fox. According to court documents, AP has no license to publish, display or revive photographs. The case was resolved in November 2006.

In a case filed in February 2005, McClatchey v. The Associated Press, a Pennsylvania photographer sues AP for cutting the image to remove the plaintiff's title and copyright notice and then distribute it to the news organization without a permission or credit plaintiff. Parties have settled.

In April 2011, Patricia Ann Lopez, a New Mexico space courtroom sketch artist, sued the Associated Press claiming that AP infringed its copyright by reselling the image without license and deceiving, cheating and mistakenly passing the artist's work to hers. According to court documents, AP has no license to resell or revive the image.

Shepard Fairey

Shepard_Fairey Shepard Fairey

In March 2009, the Associated Press against plaintiff Shepard Fairey for his famous image of Barack Obama, said the use of unsupervised and uncompensated AP photographs violates copyright laws and hints at threats to journalism. Fairey had sued AP months earlier for his artwork, titled "Obama Hope" and "Obama Progress," arguing that he did not violate copyright laws because he dramatically changed the picture. The artwork, based on the April 2006 image taken for AP by Mannie Garcia, was a popular image during the 2008 presidential election and now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC According to the AP lawsuit filed in federal court in Manhattan, Fairey consciously " AP rights in the picture ". The lawsuit asks the court to provide AP benefits derived from drawings and damages. Fairey said he hopes to "uphold the rights of free expression at stake here" and denies the AP allegations. In January 2011 the lawsuit was resolved with no party stating their positions were wrong but agreeing to share the reproductive rights and benefits of Fairey's work.

Warm News

In January 2008, the Associated Press sued the All Headline News (AHN) rival who claimed that AHN allegedly infringed copyright and controversial "quasi-property" rights against the facts. AP complaints confirmed that AHN journalists have copied facts from AP news reports without permission and without paying syndicated fees. After AHN has moved to dismiss all but the copyright claims set by the AP, the majority of the lawsuits are dismissed. The case has been dismissed and both parties settled.

In June 2010, the Associated Press was alleged to have an unjust and hypocritical policy after it was demonstrated that AP journalists had copied the original report from "Search Land Land" sites without permission, attribution, or credit.

Illegal immigrants

In April 2013, the AP claimed to have dropped the term "illegal immigrants" from its stylebook. AP follows ABC, NBC, and CNN by not using the term. Jose Antonio Vargas praised The Associated Press for his decision.

Syndicated author Ruben Navarrette criticized the decision, stating the reason behind the decision was political correctness and called the blog "incomprehensible". Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said of the decision, that he was not involved in "vocabulary war" and then stated "They are illegal immigrants here, it is illegal immigrants".

Hoax tweets and flash crashes

On April 23, 2013, the AP Twitter account was hacked to release a tweet about a fictitious attack on the White House that caused President Obama to be hurt. This mistaken tweet resulted in a 130-point drop from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a $ 136 billion removal from the S & amp; P 500, and temporary suspension of their Twitter account. Even though all executed trades are considered final, the Dow Jones then recover the session's earnings.

Justice Department call from phone records

On May 13, 2013, The Associated Press announced a telephone record for 20 journalists during their two-month period in 2012, has been summoned by the US Department of Justice and described this act as "a massive and unprecedented annoyance" in news-gathering. operation. The AP reported that the Justice Department would not say why it was seeking records, but sources claim that the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia office is conducting criminal investigations into May 7, 2012, the AP story about CIA operations that prevented terrorist plots to detonate explosives on flights commercial. DOJs do not direct subpoenas to APs, but go to their phone service providers, including Verizon Wireless. US Attorney General Eric Holder testified under oath in front of the House Judiciary Committee that he withdrew from a leak investigation to avoid a conflict of interest. Holder said his Deputy Attorney General, James M. Cole, was responsible for the investigation of the AP and would order a summons from the court.

Claim reporting bias

Israel and Palestine

In his book Broken Spring: The American-Israeli Reporter's View of How the Egyptians Losing Their Struggle for Freedom , AP's former correspondent Mark Lavie claims that AP upholds a narrative line where Arabs and Palestinians are entirely without blame in conflicts where all the blame lies in Israel. Israeli journalist Matti Friedman accused the AP of killing a story he wrote about "war of words", "between Israel and his critics in human rights organizations", after the 2008-09 Israel/Gaza conflict.

Houston Chronicle sports section commended by Associated Press ...


The Associated Press is governed by an elected board of directors. Since April 2017, the chairman is Steven Swartz, president and CEO of Hearst Communications.

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See also

  • List of news agencies
  • AP Stylebook
  • Agence France-Presse
  • Associated Press v. Meltwater
  • EFE
  • George Emil Bria
  • International Press Communications Council
  • NewsML
  • News Text Format Industry
  • Reuters
  • The Canadian Press
  • List of online image archives

The Associated Press Collection | IMRRC




Oakland's Black Churches Struggle With Gentrification | Breitbart

External links

  • Official website
  • AP Images
  • AP Stylebook
  • AP Archive
  • AP movie and video archive on YouTube
  • Associated Press, Association of Television-Radio California, Nevada, Hawaii, Arizona, and New Mexico

Source of the article : Wikipedia
