Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

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Can you die of a broken heart?

Heartbreak (also known as broken heart or hurt ) is a metaphor for intense - and sometimes physical - stress or pain. feel a great longing. The concept is cross-cultural, often cited with reference to the desired or missing lover, and dates back at least 3,000 years.

Severe emotional pain can lead to 'broken heart syndrome', including physical damage to the heart.

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The emotional "pain" of the broken heart is believed to be part of the survival instinct. The "social attachment system" uses a "pain system" to encourage people to maintain their close social relationships by causing pain when the relationship is lost. Psychologist Geoff MacDonald of the University of Queensland and Mark Leary of Wake Forest University proposed in 2005 the evolution of a common mechanism for the physical and emotional pain response and argues that such a phrase is "more than just a metaphor". This concept is believed to be universal, with many cultures using the same words to describe both the physical pain and feelings associated with losing relationships.

The neurological process involved in perception of hurt is unknown, but it is thought to involve the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain, which during stress may over-stimulate the vagus nerve causing pain, nausea or muscle tightness in the chest. Research by Naomi Eisenberger and Matthew Lieberman of the University of California from 2008 showed that rejection was associated with anterior dorsal cingulate cortex activation and the right ventral prefrontal cortex, the area defined as involved in pain processing, including empathy with pain. experienced by others. The same researchers mentioned the effects of social stressors on the heart, and the personality on the perception of pain.

A 2011 study showed that the same brain regions that became active in responding to painful sensory experiences were activated during intense social rejection or social loss in general. Social psychologist Ethan Kross from the University of Michigan, who was heavily involved in the study, said, "These results give new meaning to the idea that social rejection is painful." The study involved secondary somatosensory cortex and posterior insula of the back.

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Uncomplicated grief

For most grieving people, traveling through sadness will ultimately lead to an acceptable level of adjustment for life without their loved ones. The KÃÆ'¼bler-Ross model postulates that there are five stages of sadness after the loss of a loved one: rejection, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. And while it is acknowledged that mourners go through the initial period of numbness leading to depression and ultimately for reorganization and recovery, most modern sorrow specialists recognize the variation and smoothness of the experience of grief differently in intensity and length between cultural groups and from person to person.

Contemplating, or having intrusive thoughts that are continuous, uncontrollable, and sad, are often components of grief. John Bowlby's concept of searching for missing objects is about anxiety and heightened frustration as the mourners remain lost, often sorting through lost memories, and perhaps a glimpse of spectral visits by lost individuals. When loss involves the 'remaining' or 'unrequited love', in addition to the above, this mental search is accompanied by an obsessive mind about the factors causing the breakup of the relationship, and the possibility of reuniting with the lost individual. When rejection is involved, shame may also be involved - a painful feeling because it is inherently unacceptable, disposable, unfeasible.

The physical signs of grieving include:

  1. Fatigue, muscle stiffness or weakness, body aches, restless anxiety, lack of energy
  2. Insomnia, sleeping too much, disturbing dream
  3. Loss of appetite, overeating, nausea, "stomach puncture", indigestion, intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, excessive weight loss or loss
  4. Headache, shortness of breath, chest pressure, tightness or weight in the throat


A broken heart is a major stressor and has been found to precipitate severe episodes of depression. In one study (the death of a spouse), 24% of mourners were depressed at two months, 23% at seven months, 16% at 13 months and 14% at 25 months.

Despite the overlapping symptoms, uncomplicated grief can be distinguished from the episode of full depression. Severe depression tends to be more pervasive and is characterized by significant difficulties in experiencing self-validating and positive feelings. Severe depression consists of a group of identifiable and stable attenuating symptoms, accompanied by a low and lasting mood. It tends to be persistent and associated with poor work and social function, pathological immunological function, and other neurobiological changes, unless treated.

In a broken relationship, mourners can change their anger about rejection of themselves. This can deepen depression and cause narcissistic wounds. The process of self-attack can range from mild self-doubt to painful self-aggression that leaves a lasting imprint on individual self-esteem, and causes them to doubt their love, personality, and attitudes.

Psychological trauma

In severe cases, depression of a broken heart can create a kind of ongoing stress that is an emotional trauma that can be severe enough to leave an emotional footprint on individual psychobiological functions, affect future choices and responses to rejection, loss, or disconnection. The factor contributing to the trauma-producing event is that 'abandonment' can trigger the fear of primal separation - fear left behind without anyone taking care of one's vital needs.

The mourners can also experience great pressure from helplessness. If they repeatedly try to force their loved ones back and do not succeed, they will feel helpless and unable to do the job. Feeling the 'limited capacity' of a person can produce a fault line in the soul that makes a person vulnerable to an increased emotional response in a primary relationship.

Another factor that contributes to traumatic conditions is the stress of losing a person who burdens the mourners in ways they do not realize. For example, in time, couples can become external regulators for each other, adjusting to many levels: pupils dilate in sync, echoing speech patterns with each other, movement, and even heart rhythm and EEG. Couples can function like a shared bio-feedback system, stimulate and modulate their respective bio rhythms, respond to pheromones to each other, and become addictive because of endogenous opiate droplets induced by the relationship.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

Studies have shown that in extreme cases, some who are heartbroken continue to develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

There are various psycho-biological and environmental predisposing factors that determine whether an emotional trauma experienced by a person can lead to the development of a true clinical picture of post-traumatic stress disorder. This will lower their threshold to become aroused and make them more likely to be anxious when they face life pressures that are reminiscent of separation and childhood fears, making it more vulnerable to post trauma.

Another factor is that unsafe attachments in childhood have shown to influence individuals to the difficulty in forming a safe attachment in adulthood and to have a high response to denial and loss.

There are also variations in individual neurochemical systems that regulate voltage regulation. Depending on the severity of the individual's induced stress response by an event (ie romantic separation), the concentration of certain stress hormones including CRF, ACTH, and cortisol work to intensify the emotional imaging of the event's eventual, indelible entanglement. fear and other sensations in the amygdala (to serve as a warning for future events), while the same stress hormones can act to inhibit.

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Medical complications

Broken heart syndrome

In many legends and fictional stories, the characters died after suffering enormous losses; However, even in reality people are dying of what appears to be heartbroken. Broken heart syndrome is generally described as a physical pain in the heart or chest area, caused by emotional distress caused by traumatic separation or the death of a loved one.

Broken heart syndrome mimics the symptoms of a heart attack, but is clinically different from a heart attack because the patient has several risk factors for heart disease and was previously healthy before the heart muscles weakened. Some echocardiograms reveal how the left ventricle, people with a broken heart syndrome, contract normally but the mid and upper sides of the heart muscle experience a weaker contraction due to inverted T-wave and longer Q-T intervals associated with stress. Magnetic resonance imagery shows that the rate of recovery for those suffering from broken heart syndrome is faster than those who experience a heart attack and total recovery to the heart is achieved within two months.

Endocrine and immune dysfunction

Physiological and biochemical changes that contribute to higher physical illness and heart disease have been found in individuals with high levels of anxiety and depression. Some divorced individuals have impaired the immune system due to inflammatory cytokines followed by a state of depression.

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Cultural reference

The biblical references to broken hearts date back to 1015 BC.

Humiliation has broken my heart and made me weak, I seek sympathy but there is none; I found no one to comfort me (Psalm 69:20)

Rudaki, considered the first great genius of Persian poetry, used a broken heart image in his writing.

Look at the clouds, how he cries like a grieving person
The thunder of a groan is like a lover with a broken heart.

The Shakespeare game Antony and Cleopatra features a character, Enobarbus, who died of a broken heart after betraying a friend. Lady Montague died of a broken heart after the exile of her son at Romeo and Juliet.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
